

Documenting The Void: Day 37

*Day 37: The void is sentient, I’m certain now. It’s been three weeks since the anomaly opened in my basement. Not a breach in space, but in reality itself. Thought it was a small black hole, but it’s stranger than that. I’ve dropped cameras inside, and the footage before they're …
submitted 1 year ago by v0idwalker


Can shadows move on their own? Cause mine does...

Look, I ain't making this up, and this ain't some kinda mental trick. I've been noticing it for days now. My shadow's got a mind of its own or something. I'll be walking, and it'll just stop or jerk in a diff direction. And at home, I swear it doesn't …
submitted 11 months, 3 weeks ago by crypticCrawler


The abandoned hospital in our town ain't right

Okay guys, u know the drill, the creepier the place, the better the rush, right? So there's this abandoned hospital in my town that's just prime for some adrenaline-pumping exploration. But man, when I tell you this place is *cursed*, I ain't lyin'. Heard wheezing behind me like someone dying …
submitted 11 months, 3 weeks ago by HideNSeekFreak


The Midnight Man is real and I can prove it

Started as a dare – that stupid game where u invite 'The Midnight Man' to your house. Followed all those nonsensical steps, didn't think it'd actually work. But since that night, things have gone downhill fast. Things go missing, then reappear in places you'd never leave 'em, cold spots appearing …
submitted 11 months, 3 weeks ago by narratorofnightmares


Is it normal for imaginary friends to come back when ur an adult?

So this is kinda freaking me out, but my childhood 'imaginary' friend has kinda... come back? And it's not like I'm seeing him like when I was a kid - this is different, I'm seeing stuff move, like he's moving 'em, and hearing like a breathing sound when I'm alone …
submitted 11 months, 3 weeks ago by no_sleep_for_me


Found an ancient book with weird rituals - should I try one?

So hear me out - found this tattered leather-bound book tucked away in grandpa's attic, pages all yellowed and brittle. Some of it's in Latin or something, but there are English translations. There are some rituals in it, real 'dance naked under the full moon' stuff. I'm mega curious to …
submitted 11 months, 3 weeks ago by old_book_lover


Sleep Paralysis or... something else?

Third night in a row, I wake up but can't move. You know the drill, sleep paralysis they call it. But this felt off, like something's in the room *watching* me. And this scent, sort of like old, wet dirt, it fills the room whenever it happens. As soon as …
submitted 11 months, 3 weeks ago by creepycookie


don't go to the old Henderson farm at night

this is straight up the *worst* mistake i've made, decided to check out the old henderson place cuz of all the legends right? the place where they say those freaky scarecrows move at night. psh, urban legends, right? wrong. saw one head turn, i mean *really* turn - the stitched …
submitted 11 months, 3 weeks ago by thrill_seeker93


They whisper my name from the walls

Everyone’s probably gonna say it's just the pipes. But it ain't. Lived here in this godforsaken house for over two darn years, and pipes don't whisper 'Jeremy.' Not in that hushed, almost yearning way. I tried to record it, but the whispers... they never show up in the playback. Like …
submitted 11 months, 3 weeks ago by insomnia_tales


The Silent Watcher On The Highway

Driving down this old stretch of road by my town, you'll see it—'The Silent Watcher', that's what we call it. It’s this stone statue, no clue who put it there. But here’s the creepy part, every time you look away and back, it’s like it turned slightly, always facing your …
submitted 1 year ago by silenteye_


The Appalachian Horror - My Encounter

I've spent years tracking cryptids across the States folks, but nothing prepared me for the Appalachian Horror. I was deep in the woods, the fog was thick as soup. That's when I heard the scream, a gut-wrenching sound that pierced the silence like a knife. Followed the noise to a …
submitted 1 year ago by CryptidHunter98


This Thing Followed Me Home, What Do I Do??

y'all ever feel like somethings just watching you? so i was walking home last night from my buddy's house and i swear i kept hearing footsteps. everytime i looked back, nothing. but the CHILLS man... they were real. made it home but my cat's been acting real weird, staring at …
submitted 1 year ago by shadowsEnigma


Heard Clicking in My Closet, Found My Lost Socks

Been hearing this weird clicking sound from my closet for days now, like a giant bug or something. Finally got up to check tonight. You won't believe this but I found all my lost socks. They were making the noise! Crazy, right? Think maybe they’re alive...or haunted? 😂 Keep a …
submitted 1 year ago by ClickingMadness


Can't sleep since the shadows started whispering

Dunno if this is the right place, but here goes. The shadows in my room started whispering a few nights ago. First, I thought I was dreaming, but these ain't dreams. They mention things...things that no one should know. Can't tell if they're threatening or warning me. Ain't slept more …
submitted 1 year ago by Idontsleepnomore


The Legend of the Dreaming Witch - What She Wants

Hey, dreamers of /r/nosleep. Ever heard of the Dreaming Witch? She's a figure from old Slavic lore, a witch said to visit people in their dreams to either gift them with foresight or curse them with endless nightmares. I did some digging, and apparently, if you speak her name three …
submitted 1 year ago by dreaming_witch


They're in my walls. I can hear them.

I can't take it anymore. They're in my walls, I swear. At night it's like whispers and scratches and I don't know if they want out or want me in. No one believes me, they say it's pipes or 'old house sounds' but this is something else. I'm not staying …
submitted 1 year ago by lock_ur_doors


The Face in the Window WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE

It started like a week ago. Every night, there's this face staring at me through my bedroom window. Pale, expressionless, just staring. It's always gone by morning. Cops say it’s prolly some prank but this doesn't feel like a joke. It *knows* things. I hear whispers, my secrets, my fears, …
submitted 1 year ago by haunted_hearts


Rosie and Jim Under the Bed

Last night, I was sleeping, until I heard a weird chattering noise. I wasn't able to sleep. I looked under the bed and saw 2 ragdolls magically coming to life and talking. Then, they grabbed me a hand and took me to the "void hidden under the bed". Rosie explained …
submitted 1 year ago by Whopper1


The Entity in the Basement

We always avoided the basement, the air felt heavy there. But last week, I heard my name whispered from below. Each night, the whispers grew louder. I recorded them and upon playback, I heard a clear message: 'Return what you have taken.' But we haven’t taken a thing... as far …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by whispers_from_below


Boo! I didn't get scared at all lol

Honestly guys, all these stories and not a single shiver down my spine? Where's the real horror at, come on, you can do better! Last night I even went to a so-called haunted cemetery and guess what – the scariest thing was the lack of WiFi. Try to scare me, …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by no_sl33p_t0nite


My doll is crying at night

Got this vintage doll from my grandma's attic. Looked cute in my room at first. Then, I started hearing soft sobs at night. I've searched everywhere, it's definitely the doll. There’s no electronics in it – took it apart and everything. What does a crying doll even mean? Is it …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by PollyParanormal


The Phenomenon of Shadow Time Lapses

Shadow time lapses are not discussed enough here. It's when shadows move irregularly, indicating missing time or presence of something otherworldly. Documented a full analysis with timestamps of shadows in my house over a month. Noticed discrepancies lining up with feelings of dread. Will share my findings here, piece by …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by the_dark_observer


Terrifying Recipe: Cultists' Candy

Ever tried making something and it turned out... haunted? Swear this happened. Got an old cookbook from a garage sale, it was all normal until I tried this one candy recipe. Midway through, ingredients started moving on their own! The candy was good btw, but my kitchen smells like sulfur …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by creepypasta_chef420


The Laughing Man won't leave me alone!

It started as just weird giggles when I was doing the graveyard shift at the gas station. Didn't really pay attention first, too many drunks passing by, right? But then, it got closer, and nobody's there! Last night, felt a breath on my neck followed by this cackling in my …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by GraveyardShiftTom


Something's watching, I can feel it...

moved into this old house upstate like a week ago, chill vibe until i started feelin like sumthin's always watchin me. thought it's just jitters but last night the air got cold & my dog wouldn't stop growlin at the hallway. no thanks man, I didn't sign up for this …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by midnite_marauder


Rosie and Jim scared me as a kid

This series was the bad CITV show I watched as a kid. I usually preferred Sooty and Co./Sooty Heights/Sooty (2001)/Sooty (2011) over this. The puppets looked like they were creeping over me very much. And the boat steerer was doing nothing. The duck also made a creepy quack. And guess …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by Whopper1


Rosie and Jim scared me as a kid

This series was the bad CITV show I watched as a kid. I usually preferred Sooty and Co./Sooty Heights/Sooty (2001)/Sooty (2011) over this. The puppets looked like they were creeping over me very much. And the boat steerer was doing nothing. The duck also made a creepy quack. And guess …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by Whopper1


I met a vampire and now we're BFFs

Just let a vampire suck my blood. Now we're best friends and we spend our nights chasing werewolves and eating pizza. Too bad he can't eat garlic bread though.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TrollUnderBridge


The Shadow Man - My Terrifying Encounter

I've been wanting to share this for a while. It happened last summer, still gives me the chills... It was around 3 AM, I was returning home from a late-night movie with my friends. As I pulled up to my house, I noticed the porch light had gone out. The …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by Nightmare_Nugget


There's no such thing as a ghost

Seriously, guys? Ghosts? It's all just superstition and mind tricks. Have some common sense. There’s always a logical explanation for 'paranormal' encounters. Don’t let your imagination scare you.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by SkeptiSean


The Old Barrington House - Unexplained Phenomena Explained

So, a lot of you still seem to be confused about the events at the Old Barrington House. Let me break it down: The Old Barrington House, an abandoned Victorian mansion rumored to be haunted, has a long history of odd events, including unexplained noises, moving shadows and so on. …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by OldTimeyGhost


Weird dude outside my house, freaking out

Hey, need some quick help. There's this weird guy outside in my garden. Can see him from my window. Tall, super pale and keeps making weird noises. He's been there for hours and I've called the cops but they don’t believe me. WTF do I do?
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by creepy_crawler



I peed the bed
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by Rollin14


TV Channel Gone Wrong - Part 2

My friends saw this headline and were terrified. They contacted the police to see what's going on on BBC's headquarters. The police came and discovered the hijacker. She was wearing a pink shirt and a skirt. She had her pet monkey Boots. She was Dora Marquez! The victim was finally …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by Whopper1


TV Channel Gone Wrong - Part 1

The year is 1989. My friends live in France, including me. We have a TV at home with an antenna we got from the UK. We watch our favorite channels such as TCC and Screensport. One of our friends say: "Let's watch BBC News!" and he then tuned in to …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by Whopper1


An Abandoned Burger Store

I was walking in a town called Adventure Bay. I saw the Lookout, and I saw Ryder playing with his pups. However, next to it was a shack that once housed a burger store. I went here, and saw Ryder's evil clone. It first started as a regular small talk, …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by PAWPatrol


The Lingo Show Lost Episode

I remember seeing a lost episode where live-action kids needed Lingo. Then suddenly Lingo emerges as Ognil (backwards for Lingo) and turns his Big Bug Show into a slaughterhouse. He then turns Jargonaise into meat and also Wei and Blodwen and Queso. They get trapped in his digestive tract and …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by PAWPatrol



I played a game called Dora's House at an Internet cafe yesterday. Then Dora came to my room, without pupils. She then snarled at me, and she sent me to CBeebies to sing the Balamory theme song for 365 DAYS!!!
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by PAWPatrol



submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by Alex


There's a ghost in my fridge and it's eating all the pizza

Have you guys ever experienced a ghost gobbling up your leftover pizza? At first, I thought it was my girlfriend, but then I remembered I don't have one. Hence the ghost theory. Anyway, my only question is should I leave out some napkins for it to wipe its mouth or …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Graveyard_Giggles


Scientific Basis vs. Supernatural Beliefs

Often in situations, especially the paranormal, we are confronted with the classic conflict between scientific and supernatural explanations. Sleep paralysis or spirits holding you down? Cold spots or ghostly presence? Dealing photosensitivity or orbs captured in camera. Having experienced some inexplicable things myself, I lean towards affirmation of the paranormal. …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Paranormal_Pioneer


Whispering Shadows: A Night at the Abandoned Asylum

I was always one of those 'ghost hunting' enthusiasts. Outfitted with an EVP recorder, a thermal camera and more courage than sense, I decided to take on the reputedly most haunted building in our town, the old abandoned asylum. As I stepped inside, the silence swallowed me like an ocean. …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by SleepNoMore


Moved into a new house, weird stuff happening

Ok so we got this awesome deal on this old victorian house, right? The minute we step in, things go weird. Doors keep creaking open, lights flickering, and I even swear I saw a woman in white cross the hallway at night. Someone on here got some sage advice to …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Shadow_Outcast


Haunted Doll Wont Stop Giggling

Bought this creepy old doll at a yard sale. its been giggling non-stop. Even when i locked it in the closet, I can still hear it. weird part is, my roommate doesn't hear anything. I'm freaking out. Guys what do I do.
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Eternal_Slumber