Saw a 'BOGO' sale sign at this shoe store and thought ya boi was gonna snag a deal. The fine print? The second 'free' pair has to be equal OR LESSER value and the discount's only the price of the lesser one. Like who's gonna buy one and get a …
Who thought this was good design?? So I get this 'eco-friendly' salad dressing bottle, claiming to be all about healthy lives and the environment. Cool, right? NOPE! Turns out, to get any dressing out, you have to squeeze harder than when you’re doing the last rep at the gym. And …
So you thought you could actually use ALL the toothpaste you paid for? Think again! Just got this sparkly new brand promising fresher breath than a daisy. Cool. However, this toothpaste tube is like frickin Fort Knox. Not only does it have a cap that’s impossible to screw back on, …
Let me enlighten y'all. You buy this sleek, top-of-the-line gadget, promises all these bells and whistles. But wait, here comes the punchline: The damn thing requires an exclusive cable that costs as much as your left kidney because it's 'proprietary technology'. Worse? They change models every year. Lost or broke …
Splurged on this fancy coffee machine, right - not gonna name names, but it's one of the biggies. Two months in, the filter basket handle thingy snaps. I’m like, chill, I’ll buy a new one. NOPE. Turns out, you can't just replace the freaking basket!! You gotta send in the …
Rly gotta vent, the mall parking garage ticket machines are the actual worst. U grab a ticket to get in, right? K, that's fine. But here's the kicker! You can ONLY pay when u leave, and there's just ONE machine for every 500 cars parking there. And u know what? …
And then, BOOM, after the update, Y’ALL got ads again. So much for premium service, right? Just when u thought u were the special paying user who can avoid the peasant ad-watching fate. GOT 'EM!
Who's got a spare year to read these EULA docs? Font size '-5', 300 pages of 'don't sue us if we mess up' tucked in some software update. Ain't nobody got time for that, yet we click 'agree' like we mean it. Smh, we're probs agreeing to hand over our …
Every time there is a 'critical' printer update, it BREAKS more than it fixes. Latest update turned my reliable printer into a glorified paperweight. Why?? Just so I'll be tempted to buy a new one? Not playing that game!
EVER noticed how some TP rolls just REFUSE to peel off properly?? You end up scratching at it like it's a lottery ticket, hoping for that clean start, BUT NOPE! Just shreds! Absolute design fail! #FirstWorldProblems but for real, fix it!
Let me tell you about shrinkflation. It's when companies get greedy af and give you less for the same price, tricking you into thinking you're not getting ripped off. Noticed my cereal box is lighter? Yeah, they shrank it from 500g to 420g, same box size, same price, but hey, …
Bought a 'simple to open' package but needed scissors, a knife, a chainsaw, and the jaws of life to open. Seriously, who designs this stuff? 'Easy open' my foot.
This crap website hid the cancel subscription button so deep in their user settings even Indiana Jones couldn't find it. Not to mention the site 'conveniently' timed out every time I got close. Coincidence? I think not.
Got to checkout on this one site, cart's at $50, suddenly total is $75 cuz of 'handling', 'service' & 'convenience' fees. What convenience is it to slip in extra $$ like I wouldn't notice?! Someone needs to regulate this nonsense.
Just tried to say no to a newsletter signup, and the 'no thanks' option was: 'No thanks, I don't want to save money'. Wow, so if I don't give you my email I'm a moron not looking for savings? Mmm, guilt-tripping much?
Every single time I open this app, I am *blessed* with the same unskippable 30 sec intro. Sure, I definitely want to waste my life watching this over and over. Cheers, devs!
Got a game that said 'will run on your hardware'. Joke's on me, it runs like a slideshow of my failures. And when I asked for a refund, they were like 'but it runs, doesn't it?'. Misleading and false hope... Nice.
Let's talk about these '30-Day Free Trials' that require a credit card upfront. They bet on you forgetting to cancel, so they can start billing. What's worse? They make the process of unsubscribing so convoluted, it's like solving a Rubik's cube blindfolded. Tried this with a well-known streaming service. Day …
LOL, downloaded a 'free' app and every other tap is an ad. The best part? The 'x' button to close them is so small, I end up clicking the ad instead. The conclusion? EVERY click is an ad. 'Free app', my ass. Hilarious.
So my new headphones, which shall remain unnamed... *cough* pricey brand *cough*... WON'T CHARGE with any other USB cable but theirs. I tested it with like 5 cables at home, only the one that came with it works. WHY? Like, do you enjoy watching us suffer??
Why's every checkout process online a freakin' minefield? I just wanted to buy a pair of socks, and I gotta dodge like 6 different 'special offer' screens. 'No I don't want your magazine, I don't need a coupon book, and for the love of god, I don't want to sign …
Ugh, just bought my fav cereal and notice the bag is half empty. They keep the box the same size, but there’s less and less in it each time I buy it! How is this not false advertising? Paying same price for air... Cool cool cool.
So my printer, right? It's always crying about low ink when there's clearly a ton left. The chip in the cartridge says 'nah, you need a refill'. It's supposed to be a convenience but it's just a scam for more $$$. You pop in a new cartridge, and suddenly it's …
and holy hell, why do they make it SO HARD TO FIND THE CANCEL BUTTON? It's like Where's Waldo up in here but instead of finding a quirky guy in stripes, I'm just trying not to get charged another month for a service I don't even use anymore! Scrolling for …
Don't get me started on software updates that kill your device. My phone was FINE until that fateful 'performance improvement' update. Then BAM, it's slower than my grandma's typewriter. Coincidence? Nah, they're just pushing us to buy the newest model. Welcome to planned obsolescence, my friends.
We're basically unpaid employees at this point, scanning our stuff and bagging it. And have u noticed the 'random' bag checks are like every other time? Tryna catch us 'stealing' when really it's their machine that can't scan worth a damn. So much for 'convenience'.
Let's dissect the pervasive model of 'free' mobile applications. Initially, these apps entice us with no cost of entry, a strategy that significantly lowers the barrier for user acquisition. Upon installation, the user is introduced to an app riddled with microtransactions that are often necessary for progress, or worse, for …
Ever tried cancelling a subscription service? It's like solving a Rubik's cube while blindfolded! Just found one where u gotta call during business hours, THEN send a written notice, AND there's a 30-day 'processing' period. They sure make taking your money easy but give it back and it's like pulling …
Here's a little PSA for y'all about your so-called 'smart' TVs. Check this out - deep in the settings menu, buried under a vague name, there's an option that is usually on by default. It's a data collection 'feature' that tracks what you watch to 'improve recommendations.' What it actually …
ok so i just spent 4 hours trying to get my printer to work. new cartridges, reinstalled drivers, the works. SAYS it's printing but NOPE, nada comes out. turns out, this POS won't print BLACK if the YELLOW is low?? WHY? who came up with this bs?
Got this new game app, right? Was supposed to be ad-supported, cool, I get it, devs gotta eat. But man, every level there's like a 30-sec unskippable ad! And the worst? Some of them PRETEND to have a close button, but it doesn't work until the ad is done! Screw …
Share them in the comments. I dare you.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by
Rockstar Games decided to make GTA V much worser than GTA IV. Most of the, if not all, interiors, are not enterable. Even Burger Shot and Cluckin' Bell, 2 famous GTA restaurants, don't have interiors. Fuck my GTA life.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by
Just need to vent. Whoever thought auto-play videos with sound ON by default on webpages was a great idea CLEARLY never considered people browsing in a quiet office or a public space. Nothing better than scrambling to find that one tab blasting an ad for everyone to hear. 'Privacy-focused browsers' …
You ever get into an elevator and just want to hit the 'close door' button to speed up the ride? Joke’s on you, it's not even wired to do anything. It's there for SHOW. This beautiful lie is a staple of modern design, giving the illusion of control, when in …
To whoever designs jeans with fake pockets: you're a monster. Do you also enjoy giving kids empty boxes on Christmas? Imagine the joy of slipping on a fresh pair of denim and... bam! Your hands hit a stitched-up lie. Forget carrying keys, a phone, or even your shattered dreams; guess …
You've postponed the auto-update a dozen times and the phone takes the hint right? WRONG. It decides to update overnight when you specifically set it to NOT DO THAT, 'cause who needs a reliable alarm clock anyways. Result: late for work and a device slower than my grandma's dial-up internet. …
Nothing makes my day like an article covered in more pop-ups than actual content. Big thanks to websites that make you play whack-a-mole with the close button before you can read a sentence. Top-notch design there, just A+ stuff!
I just had to post this here. Opened a HUGE bag of chips and it's like three-quarters air??? Like excuse me, I paid for CHIPS not for your nitrogen or whatever. Sell me chips or sell me a balloon, make up your mind!
Ever wonder why unsubscribing from email newsletters feels like a puzzle? It's by design, friendos. Here's the play-by-play: marketers bury the unsubscribe link in a sea of text. If you're lucky, it's in the footer, font size 2, same color as the background. They LITERALLY do not want you to …
Don't get me started on printer ink. Bought a printer 2 months ago, ink is already low? And the replacement cartridges cost more than the printer?? HOW is that not the epitome of #assholedesign? They basically make it so you gotta keep buying those little overpriced liquid gold pots. Absolute …
I miss the good old days when u could just buy software and own it for life. Now it’s like 'join our exclusive subscription model' and 'PAY US FOREVER.' Need photoshop for one tiny edit every blue moon? That'll be a monthly fee, please. Can't I just OWN stuff anymore …
Just when you think you've seen all the bad designs, your printer hits you with the 'Cannot print in black and white because magenta is empty.' HAVE THESE PEOPLE EVEN HEARD OF GRAYSCALE?!?
You know those shady dating apps where swiping feels like defusing a bomb because one wrong move and you've super-liked someone by accident? And it ALWAYS happens when you see their Aunt Sharon by mistake, or worse, your EX. Good luck explaining THAT one. It ain't UI, It's 'User Insult'. …
Literally just wanted to watch this cute doggo video and BAM! 30-second unskippable ad. The video is 10 secs long, for crying out loud. Got more ad than content. This should be illegal or something, smh.
Isn't it just frickin' peachy when you're trying to close an ad and instead of an 'X', it's a tiny fake button that actually just redirects you to another site where your computer catches the plague?! Who the heck thought that was a good idea? Probably making a mint off …
Dude, just trying to buy new headphones online and the site’s got like 10,000 boxes pre-checked to sign me up for crap I don't even want. Gotta uncheck each one unless I want to end up with a lifetime supply of news letters and 'exclusive offers'. Who designs it like …
Okay, so I signed up for this audio book service free trial, right? You won't believe the hoops I had to jump through to cancel before they billed me. First off, NO clear info on how to cancel at all—had to practically become a detective. Finally found it, hidden deep …
Bought a pack of juice boxes for my kid and guess what? HALF THE BOX IS JUST AIR! I mean, it's not freaking chips, right? Why do they even need that much air? Definitely feels like they're cheating us out of juice. I am NOT buying it from them again!
I have access to a secret app that generates websites that look like in the year 2046. Actually, there are big problems. 1. Site doesn't work due to huge amount of pop ups. 2. Clicking X causes another pop up. 3. Fake pop ups that don't work. Scanning your retina, …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by
I'd love to present you with a comprehensive overview of why Windows 10 updates epitomize asshole design. Let’s start with their scheduling. Exactly how many times has your computer restarted in the middle of something important due to an unanticipated update? The system aggressively dismisses your needs for stability or …
Oh, you know what grinds my gears? When websites mask 'Next' or 'Continue' buttons as 'Skip'. It's like, you thought you could dodge the annoying ad or boring intro, but nah. They just bamboozle you into another page of drivel. Asshole design at its sneakiest.
Think about it, man. We can land probes on comets millions of miles away, but we can't settle on a universal phone charger? And why is that? So, man, they can keep selling us new ones every time they change the slot. You upgrade your phone, now your car charger, …
Picture this: I find a great new site for streaming, totally legal. But lo and behold, there's the usual *signup to carry on browsing*. Alright, I comply and off I'm lost in a labyrinth of micro-transaction subscriptions. I mean, I’m just trying to watch some shows, not donate a kidney! …
Ever noticed that thing where you're watching a video, you flip your phone to landscape mode, and the volume and brightness controls ALSO switch directions? So all your muscle memory, right out the window. Is it too much to ask for some consistency? Yeah, sure, let's all suffer in silence …
So I start playing this new mobile game, right? I'm just chillin', tryna do some quests or whatever... BAM! Full-screen ad hits me right in the face. I’m like, okay, I get it. Devs gotta make a buck. But seriously, EVERY damn minute? That's just assholedesign.
Are there some malware installed on Google Play disguised as games you've installed and you lost your money? Answer in the comments.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by
I've been a dedicated RPG player for years. I’ve noticed this incredibly infuriating design trend becoming more prevalent lately – permadeath. The term, aka 'permanent death', refers to a situation in-game where upon death, your character does not respawn but ceases to exist entirely. The amount of time and effort …
Nature's the biggest culprit of assholedesign. Literally every living thing is flawed. Humans? Lol. We're nothing more than walking design disasters. From having an amusement park right in the middle of a sewage plant to our susceptibility to easy damage (oww my toe!), we're the embodiment of assholedesign.
Is it just me, orrr does anyone else find opening a tampon box sounds like fireworks? Things are already awkward enough in public restrooms without having to announce it to the world that guess what? I'm on my period! Like seriously, fix this, puh-lease! So, is that like assholedesign or …
Had the 'pleasure' of navigating a website's unsubscribe mechanism today. Color me pleasantly surprised (/sarcasm) when they pull the old 'invisible unsubscribe button' trick. It's situated on their 'My Preferences' page, buried about four links deep once you've logged in. It's actually a color-on-color design, with the 'unsubscribe' text being …
So, just tried installing Adobe's latest Photoshop. Seriously, they straight up hit me with a 30-minute tutorial right after install! I ain't got no time for that! And there's no skip option either! Who comes up with this stuff? It's total #assholedesign!
Just updated my fav music app. Now it's got more ads than music. What's worse? Can’t revert to the previous version. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Guess I'll just sit here and enjoy static images of random products between my songs. FML.
I downloaded a flashlight app, and it asks for access to my contact list. WHY IN ALMIGHTY HECK? If that ain’t an asshole design, IDK what is!
Ever bought something in a damn blister pack? Yeah those plastic monstrosities that require the jaws of life to open! Cut yourself yet? No? Just wait. Why they gotta do us like that? It's 2021. We can do better. #SayNoToBlisterPack
It is commonplace to encounter interfaces which portray a perfect picture of being user-friendly but rest assured they are not. A quintessential example of this is a famous multimedia platform, won't drop names now, whose homepage layout is ingeniously ineffective. The left panel opts for continuity; hence, there is no …
Just bought a new phone, right? Took an eternity to turn on, then overheats in like 10 mins. Not sure if it's asshole design or just crap tech. Either way, bleh.
Subscription traps have become a plague recently, and it's a classic example of dark UX patterns or, as we love to say here, asshole design. But what is a subscription trap, you ask? A subscription trap is when you sign up for a 'free trial' and you're forced, either subtly …
Cuz WHY TF NOT, right? Nothing like opening a box to find another box and then tearing through bubble wrap for ten minutes before finally getting my hands on the actual product. PS: tried to return it, but guess WHAT. return shipping isn’t covered.
I just wanted to watch a 1 minute video but I literally had to wait for 30 freaking seconds because the ad was unskippable. Why even do this? Feels like a cheap move by the app developers if you ask me.
God, where do I even start? First off, the entire website is a usability nightmare. Hover effects that don't serve a purpose, links that are so small you can barely click on them, and let's not get started on how weird the font choices are. And then there's the log …
Okay so, imagine this: You've played this mobile game for a WHILE, invested hours in it. Then suddenly you can't progress anymore without paying. Nothing. Zilch. Not even a bit. WTF, devs? Screw your 'freemium' BS.
I just got a sandwich from the supermarket, right? Turns out half of the wrapping was just air but I can't see it cos the label was strategically placed to cover it up. Absolutely screwed over my lunch. Asshole design, man.
Bought this funky looking mug thinking the swirl pattern looked cool. Turns out it's a labyrinth. Can't clean the darn inner crevices at all! I'm just gonna end up drinking day-old coffee sludge unless I start using a toothbrush for cleaning. Geez.
Walked into a building today. To my surprise, it had pull doors on the way in, and push doors on the way out. What kind of sadist does this? The life energy I've wasted on such inconsistencies could've powered a small Canadian town for a year. Every day we stray …
So...I'm getting real tired of the sneaky popups that gray out or cleverly camouflage the 'Decline' or 'Cancel' button. Worst ones are the subscription boxes that do not reveal the cost upfront and have tiny terms and conditions links. Clear Consumer Exploitation 101.
In my dissection of Mobile Game UI design, I've reached a conclusion that the prevalent 'bad' design patterns are not an oversight; rather, they are deliberate 'asshole design' strategies to frustrate, manipulate, and coax the user into making in-app purchases. The most common trick in the book is the infamous …
People who fall for *(only $19.99, was like $200)* deals deserve every bit of scam they get. Ain't no one selling a $200 product for 20 bucks unless it's counterfeit or crap. Same for '30 day free trial, just need your card info'. Like, duh! It's a trap!
I've had it with these emails that offer an unsubscribe button that doesn’t do jack! Just getting more spam. How hard is it to stop sending junk after users unsubscribe???? #Frustrated
Remember when ads had a legit 'X' you could click to close it? Now every time I try to cancel one, it's like a minefield of false 'X's that lead to even more crap popping up. Manipulative and annoying as hell. Anyone else frustrated by this?