

My epic fail at the table tennis tournament

Ya know that feelin when everything you've worked for ends up in smoke? Yeah, had that in my last tourney. Practiced for weeks, got my top spins and chops on point, was feeling good about it all. Fast forward to match day - and I freeze. Like a deer in …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by PingPongPete


Analyzing My Friend's Terrible Ping Pong

So my buddy thinks he's the next table tennis champ and oh boy, I can't help but laugh! His grip, for starters, is more like he's wielding a sword than a paddle. And don't even get me started on his serve - flings the ball up like he's tossing a …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by scrubbadubba


Why you should only bowl gutter balls

Alright, I got the secret sauce here. Any self-respecting bowler knows the only real way to play the game is strictly gutter balling. Helps you build character, y'know? Who needs strikes and spares when you can be the champ of gutter-ball game. PS: I might be slightly insane.
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by BowlinBomber


My rollerblading blunders

I've been rollerblading for years now. Last session though, made a complete fool of myself. I was zooming around the park while showing off my sick new blades, and I tripped over a show-off squirrel! Landed bum first in a muddy puddle. Good times. On a positive note, the kickass …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by LameGameJames


Worst golf swing of all times

Last weekend I tried my hand at Golf for the first time. As I teed off, not only did I completely miss the ball, but I swung around, stomped the grass, and accidentally flung my club! It was hysterical and embarrassing - Safe to say, it's been recorded and shared …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by FanBoyGolf


My rec league football catastrophe

So yesterday we were in our local rec league flag football championship game. We made it to overtime, and I fumbled the ball on the last play - I might as well been butterfingers! My team hasn't let me live it down all day...FML 😢
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by touchdownDevastation


U9 Soccer is all pwnage!

Mini-me has gotten into soccer. Darn kid has two left feet and spends half his game flopping around pretending to be hurt. Lol, all in good fun I guess, but man, it's hilarious to watch.
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by SoccerDad101


Gettin whooped in high school b-ball

Man, I thought I was good, I thought I was tight! Joined this high school basketball squad and I'm just getting ripped apart. Dang coach got me runnin laps all day and keeps yelling at me about my defense. My game is layups!! Any tips dudes?
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by refreebie