

Share your worst/best counterfeit finds

Guys, update on my quest for the most epic fakes. Just copped a 'Poma' tracksuit, you know, the cousin of Puma that didn't quite make the Olympic team. Also found a 'Johnnie Worker Red Labial', I mean, who needs Scotch when you can have 'Labial'? Dead 😆 Share your finds, …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by fakie_fanatic


Harry Otter, my fav knockoff wizard

Yup, Harry Otter. Not Potter. Found this in a discount bin at the mall and couldn't stop laughing. It's a stuffed animal so I guess some otter just got real magical. The lightening bolt is on its belly, prob coz they didn't wanna get sued. Anyway, my dog loves it, …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by randomshopp3r


Dissecting Dolce & Banana: A Cutrate Couture Catastrophe

Let us delve deeply into the morass of knockoff fashion with the hilariously erred 'Dolce & Banana'. This brand exemplifies the sheer audacity of counterfeit culture, sporting a font that’s more akin to Comic Sans' drunk uncle than the sleek sophistication of Dolce & Gabbana's flair. The clothing itself? A …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by knockoffcritique


MIKE, not NIKE, and they're not 'Just Doing It'

So I bought these 'MIKE' sneakers (yeah, not a typo) from a shady online store. Championship-level disappointment right here. The swoosh looks more like a wave and they smell like they ran a marathon in a chemical plant. Is it supposed to be Michael Jordan's lesser-known brand or what? LOL
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by bootleggerbusted


Spotted: Abibas, the genuine fake

Y'all, another Abibas sighting! Every time, it's like seeing a unicorn that got hit by a truck. This 'triplet' sweater is something else - three wonky stripes, dodgy stitching and the sort of material that gives your skin a rash just by looking at it. Question is, do they think …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by brandbaited


Worst restaurant I've ever tried

I have went to a knockoff of Pizza Hut called "Pizza King", the logo was pretty unappealing to look at. The interior was very stupid. It was themed like an 80s movie, with wax sculptures of an 80s-style man playing guitar and one 80s-style woman doing the dishes! They even …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Can't wait for 'Revengers: Endless Tussle'

Saw this 'Revengers: Endless Tussle' DVD at a flea market and I am dying. They got all the characters wrong and I'm here for it! I mean, who wouldn't want to see 'Bulk' smashing and 'Iron Guy' in what looks like a painted cardboard suit? Legit, this is the cinematic …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by wannabeAvenger


Cruncho Bars - almost ripped my teeth out

They say 'Cruncho,' I say 'Crack-o' because my molar is 100% done for. Looks like a Crunch bar, maybe if you squint hard enough, but it eats like a brick. Pretty sure the 'rice' in this is just, like, literal rice grains they found lying around.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by crispymcfly


Not LEGO, it's LEPIN... wait till you build it!

Found myself a LEPIN Star Plan set and, not gonna lie, the box art had me for a second. Thought I got a sick deal on a Star Wars LEGO kit. Nope. Those bricks felt like betrayl; they either don't click together or stick like they're life depends on it. …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by lookalikehunter45


Found this awful butter at a Chinese grocery store

I have a butter I found on a grocery store today in Shanghai. It's called: "Book, I am your butter" and actually tasted gross. Even my friends didn't want to eat this shit. UPDATE: Threw the whole butter away. Now it's good!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Found some knockoff Oreos at a grocery store

I found these Oreos at my local grocery store in Naperville: 1. **Creme Betweens** 2. **OKIDOKI** 3. **Borio Jumbo** 4. **Borneo** 5. **Sunreo** 6. **DUDE** 7. **Twist and Shout** 8. **Eat the Middle First** 9. **Coolmanreo**
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Found a fake Nintendo Switch console

Just went to Family Dollar and found a fake Nintendo Switch console. The name looks suspicious: "NRNSFWSA SRTCOH", and the logo looks like someone took the Nintendo Switch logo and made it worser. As for the console itself, it looks like a Nintendo Switch, except it's shaped differently, and the …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Why crave 'Fountain Dew' when 'Mountain View' opens your third eye

Okay, hear me out, 'Mountain View' is the real MVP. It's like someone took Mountain Dew, forgot the recipe halfway through, and just winged it with sugar, green food dye, and, IDK, hopes and dreams?? Tastes like liquified gummy bears and has enough caffeine to kickstart a dead car battery. …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by trollin_thomas


The Curious Case of 'Prongles' - Potato Chips or a Legal Dispute?

Behold, the 'Prongles'. A snack posing as the distant cousin of Pringles, perhaps twice removed. What fascinates me is not just the blatant copycat branding but the layers of audacity that accompany it. Let's dissect the logo: where Pringles features the iconic mustachioed man, Prongles offers us a wild boar …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by fakerfinder_fred


Lmao 'Pizza Hat' instead of 'Pizza Hut'

no way dude, saw a 'Pizza Hat' while road trippin. Sign looked like it was made with clip art. Went inside and it’s all cowboy themed?? they served my drink in a boot. 10/10 would eat again for the laugh.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ripoff_randy


Adiddas with 3 stripes, but one's running away

Lemme paint a picture: you walk into this sketchy mall, and there's this store 'Adiddas' with three stripes on the shoe, but one's crooked like it's tryna escape. 😅 The other two are hanging on for dear life! I tried on a pair, and swear the left shoe was plotting …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by bootlegger_bonnie


Just start calling them 'Nake' shoes already

Have y’all seen these 'Nake' sneakers yet? It's like 'Just Don't Do It'. Found em online on shadysneaks.net or was it feetfakers.com? Can't remember cause I was laughing too hard. The tick mark's upside down, cuz apparently, gravity's reversed on the cheap side of the planet. And those air bubbles? …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by cheapthrills99


Found a 'Sunbucks' coffee shop lol

So walkin down town and I see this coffee place called 'Sunbucks'. They rip off the logo and everything but it looks like it was drawn by a 5-year-old. Tried their 'Caramel Macchiato' and man, I’ve had sweeter tap water. Gave me a chuckle tho 😂
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by bootleg_bobby92


Star Wart - The Space Conflict continues on budget

Walked into the dollar store and guess what? They got these 'Star Wart' action figures. No, it's not a typo. Literally, it's Star Wart. Darth Vader’s got less of a cape and more of a plastic tablecloth thing going on. And 'Luke Skytalker' apparently traded his lightsaber for something that …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by discountdan


The Majesty of 'Polystation' - An Ode to Knockoffs

Guys, I just had to share this gem I found at a flea market - a *Polystation*. Yes, you read that right. The perfect amalgamation of Sony's finest with a touch of knockoff magic. This console is almost art; it's so beautifully awful. Came packaged with a 'DualShick' controller that …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by legitknockoffqueen


Enter the multiverse of 'Prongles'

Alright my deal-lovin' dudes, let's talk 'Prongles'. We ain't settling for Pringles no more, cuz the pig on the can promises 'Once you pop, that's just great!' Went through a can with some skepticism, and they taste exactly like the cardboard they're packed in.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by true_capitalist


Fake 'Beat by Dr. Dry' headphones at the thrift store

Ok, dig this, scampered thru a thrift shop & snagged these 'Beat by Dr. Dry' cans, cause yo, who needs 'Dre' when you can have 'Dry', amirite? Noice cancelling is basically just muffled sound, plus they got this sweet smell of, I swear, car freshener. Sweet deal for $5 bucks …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by zmart_shopper


'Star Wnrs' action figures are taking over!

No cap, found these 'Star Wnrs' toys at a local shop. Darth Vader's got a purple lightsaber and a smile, yeah, a freaking smile! And guess what, Luke Skywalker now works for the dark side. Their galaxy sounds fun, not as choking with continuity as ours.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by imitation_innovator


Anyone's up for 'Abidas'? New, improved, confusing.

Looool, just saw these 'Abidas' trainers, yes, you read that right - 'A B I D A S'. Pretty sure they meant 'bad ideas' cuz these kicks look like they'd fall apart faster than my last relationship. And the colors?! Like, if you hate someone, gift them these.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by dr_strangebrand


In-depth review of 'Adibas' sportswear collection

Alright squad, here's the scoop. Got my hands on a full set of 'Adibas' gear. First off, the logo is a trefoil looking like an alien signal, and those three stripes? More like random tape placed by a toddler. The material, guess what, feels like recycled plastic bags. But here's …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by knockoff_king


Found 'Popsi' in the wild yo

Bro, you ever thirst for a 'Popsi'? Found this gem at a gas station in the middle of nowhere and its slogan is 'Taste the thunder'. Thunder tastes like flat sugar water, would not recommend.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by brandbuster_69


Guys check out these 'Niko' sneakers!

Just stumbled over a pair of 'Niko' sneakers at my local flea market, they got this swoosh lookin' more like a boomerang! 😂 Thought I just entered a parallel universe where Nike never learned how to draw a checkmark properly. Gotta cop? They're only $19.99!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by bootlegger_bob


Grand Theft Auto V Knockoff Restaurant

I have saw a GTA V exclusive knockoff called Up-N-Atom Burgers, which is similar to In-N-Out. They have advertisements, merch, and even a TRUCK! Unfortunately, their locations are completely inaccessible and impossible to enter, with blurry interiors. Even the iconic restaurants, like Burger Shot and Cluckin' Bell, do the same …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Grand Theft Auto V Knockoff Restaurant

I have saw a GTA V exclusive knockoff called Up-N-Atom Burgers, which is similar to In-N-Out. They have advertisements, merch, and even a TRUCK! Unfortunately, their locations are completely inaccessible and impossible to enter, with blurry interiors. Even the iconic restaurants, like Burger Shot and Cluckin' Bell, do the same …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Crunchy hexagons, anyone?

OMG, just had 'Hexa-Crunch', the off brand version of your fav honey-nutted cereal and it’s just bad. Like eating cardboard with a hint of fake honey. I dare anyone to try it and say it doesn't taste like eating a box instead of what's inside it.. lol good luck!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by CerealKillerX


Dollar Store Delights: 'Fony' headphones

was in the dollar store and saw these 'Fony' headphones next to the real deal. The brand name might as well be 'Fakey McFakerson.' They only had one color available: neon green. I bought them for the memes but they actually work??? Sound is like if you stuffed your ears …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by RandoCalrissian123


Behold the 'Adventures of Bat Hero' action figures

Gather 'round aficionados of the bootleg, for I present a discovery of epic (and legal) proportions. 'Bat Hero', not to be confused with the actual Caped Crusader. The emblem is more of a black splat than a bat, and the costume colors are... innovative? You'll notice the utility belt is …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by SuperHeroScroll


Spot the difference XD

Went to buy some games and saw 'Call of Duty'... or so I thought 'till I picked it up. It's 'Call for Duty' HAHA! Can't imagine what this game asks you to call for? Customer service? XD Bet there's no zombies in this version, just angry customers on the other …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Just_Laughs


Recipe: Lé Crunch Chocolaté Bar

Ah, the pleasures of fine cuisine. But what's this? No 'Crunch' but 'Crunché'? Quell horror! Nevertheless, as a connoisseur of both the gourmet and the absurd, I attempted a recipe with this counterfeit confection: Ingredients: - 1 bar of 'Lé Crunch Chocolaté' (from the dollar store, naturally) - 2 cups …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by IronyChef


Dr. Perky??

First time post here but had to share. Was at the grocery store and saw Dr. Perky next to the regular sodas. Like, who's out there craving a can of Perky?? Label's got that old-school vibe like they didn't bother to update it since 1991. Tasted like the doc's prescription …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by SodaPopCulture


The Ultimate Gaming System: The PolyStation

Y'all ever heard of the PolyStation? Picked this bad boy up at a yard sale for $5. It plays all the games - none of which you've actually heard of. Comes with a 'DualsChock' controller and a library of titles like 'Unfamiliar Territory' and 'Racer of Karts'. Pretty sure this …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ThriftyNiftyShop


Not quite the swoosh we know...

lol guys check out these kicks i found at the flea market. They got the 'woosh' instead of 'swoosh'. The logo looks like it's tripping over itself. Even has 'Just Do I Think' written on it lmao. These fakes are getting out of hand, I swear!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by BrandBandit212


Why pay more for 'Googly' when you have 'BingBong'?

Fellow cheapsters, why waste cash on Googly smart home devices when glorious BingBong awaits! I got this 'smart speaker' from a dude in a parking lot, sweet deal. I mean, it doesn't understand anything I say, but it lights up and beeps so it must be working, right? Right.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by meme-lord-offbrands


Craptastic 'Calvim Klain' belt. It's a sad day for fashion.

I can't. I just can’t 😂. This belt I snagged at the flea market, stamped all over with 'Calvim Klain', has got to be the pinnacle of tragic fashion faux pas. The 'leather'? More like cheap plastic that cracks if you look at it wrong. And the buckle is literally …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by offbrandwarrior24


A detailed analysis of 'Deats by Nani' - Listen at Your Own Risk

Ladies and Gentlemen, brace yourselves for an in-depth review of the notorious 'Deats by Nani' headphones. Let's dive into the abyss of questionable aesthetics and even more dubious sound quality. **Build Quality & Design**: To the untrained eye, they're spitting image of the Beats we all know. But upon closer …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by crappyreviewer


is this the right place for 'Fony' headphones?

Hey, I'm kinda new to this subreddit but just found these 'Fony' headphones at the dollar store. lmao they look just like Sony ones. sound quality's like listenin' through a tin can tho, so got what i paid for i guess 😅
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by randomdude42


Bought 'Adidos' sneakers cuz they were cheap... instant regret

wanted to save some cash and got what I thought was a steal on these 'Adidos' shoes. Spoiler: they suck. Wore them once and the sole is comin’ off already. Even the stripes started peelin' off and I just glued them yesterday. Guess you get what you pay for... anyone …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by thrifty_mom_89


An Ode to the Majestic 'PolyStation' - A Timeless Classic of Crappy Offbrands

Ah, the PolyStation. A true gem of the crappy offbrand cosmos. This magnificent beast not only promises a PlayStation gaming experience but goes above and beyond to deliver a not-even-close simulation. Its controller, a Frankenstein’s monster of buttons, many of which serve no purpose but to confuse. And let's not …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by brandfailenthusiast


SpongeRobert RectangleShorts action figure? More like SpongeBob KnockoffPants

Guys, I couldn’t resist. Saw this at a flea market this morning. It’s a ‘SpongeRobert RectangleShorts’ action figure. I mean, come on, even the paint job is giving me second-hand embarrassment. One eye is bigger than the other! And his pants aren't even square... they’re like, a lopsided rectangle. The …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by knockoffninja


The 'PearPhone': Not the Apple of my eye

Came across this smartphone brand called 'PearPhone'. Looks kinda sleek until you turn it on and it greets you with 'Welcom to you're new Phone!' Them typos tho. The OS seems to be a weird mashup of every system out there, like if they had a party and decided to …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by RandomTechDude


When your 'Addibas' sweatpants are on a different fitness journey

Picked up these 'Addibas' pants that have the stripes running down only one leg. Like, did the other leg not earn its stripes or what? And the logo is just comically bad, with a triangle instead of a trefoil. Wore them to the gym and let's just say, they didn't …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ThriftyMama


These 'Air Gordons' got me like 'Wut?'

Yo, so I was at this market and I spotted a pair of 'Air Gordons'. Yeah, you heard right, Gordons. They look a bit like the classic Air Jordans but if you squint real hard. The 'jumpman' logo is actually a stick figure dude in mid-fall, and the stitches on …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by FakeShoeGuru


It's an 'exclusive' console, bro

So my aunt got me this game console called PlayGamer Vii - 'cause y'know, 'it's just as good as the others.' This thing has a controller you wave around but it only responds like half the time and the graphics... lmao, we talkin' about supreme 8-bit in the world of …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by realgamecritic


Popsi or Coke? Nah, it's all about 'Koka-Kaba'!

I can't even 🤣 Just copped this can of 'Koka-Kaba'. Tastes like if you left a cola out in the sun for a week and then decided to add a sprinkle of artificial sweetener for that extra zing. It's even got the nerve to have a tagline: 'Taste the Kaba!' …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by cheap_thrillz


The Chronicles of 'Nania': A wardrobe of disappointment

Found a book series called 'The Chronicles of Nania' today, and lemme just say C.S. Lewis is probably stirring in his grave. First off, the cover art looks like it was drawn by someone after a 5-minute brief of the original. The lion looks more like a confused bear, and …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by brand_snob


Spoder-Mun Action Figurine??

Guys, you won't believe the 'Spoder-Mun' action figure I found at the dollar store. It's got six arms, one eye bigger than the other, and the costume's all neon green and pink??? Thing looks like it ate a real spider and just decided that was the look. #notmyhero
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by lookieloo22


Best Dr. Pepper clone... NOT

Guys, you haven't tasted life until u've tried Dr. Perky 😑 It's like if Dr. Pepper had a midlife crisis and gave up. Who names these things?? 'Satisfaction guaranteed' it says, more like guaranteed disappointment!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ripoff_report


Not quite Disney

Took my kid to the dollar store and they had these action figures called 'Space Conflicts.' Pretty sure they were tryna rip off Star Wars cause the main dude looked like a low-budget Darth Vader with a lightsaber the color of mustard. The packaging says it's 'Fully Compatible with Major …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by knockoff_karen


found the weirdest snack ever

so i was at this local grocery shop n there it was... Prongles. like dude, it's not even tryin' too hard 😂 the can says 'once you pop... that's great!' i’m just like...nah man, it's not great, it's bizarre! tastes like cardboard with salt btw 😖
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by justanotheruserlol


Step up your fake shoe game

Hey sneakerheads, it's your boy here with a PSA on those knockoff kicks. We all know the fakes are getting better, but here's your checklist to not get duped. - Stitching: Look for uneven stitching and poor thread quality on 'Mike' sneakers instead of 'Nike.' - Shape: The dimensions are …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by the-real-shoe-critic


Those fashion knockoff fails tho

omg had to share this 😂 walked into this discount store downtown and they had this brand called Dolce & Banana!!! and the logo looked like someone scribbled it on with a glitter pen, I was dying! Wear this and u be feeling like a fruit salad not a fashion …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by thriftygal


A study into the world of faux-Lego

Greetings, fellow off-branders. Today, I present to you an in-depth analysis on 'Lepin,' the Goliath of knockoff construction toys. You may not know, but Lepin bricks are notorious for their uncanny resemblance to Lego, down to the minutest details of moulding. Yet, discerning collectors note the inferior clutching power and …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by brand_snob123


McDowells burger joint

lol guys just moved to a new town and saw a place called McDowells, they got the golden arcs not arches and sellin the big mick not big mac. Gotta say tastes kinda same but bruh the whole look got me chuckling 🤣
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by not_the_real_mcdonalds


lol u ever see a bootleg so bad u can't even be mad?

this shop had a 'Popsi' soda. not Pepsi, *Popsi*... I just had to laugh. tastes like TV static mixed with sugar tbh. sometimes u just gotta wonder who buys this stuff 🤷
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by JustaDude95


The 'art' of fashion brand rip-offs - a critical look

Fashionistas and bargain hunters alike, have you ever paused to consider the 'art' form that is the fashion brand knockoff? From 'Guggi' to 'Tommy Hillnager', the finesse put into crafting these almost-iconic pieces is worth a moment's thought. We often scoff at the sight of a misspelling or comically bad …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by TommyHilknockoff


Just saw an 'Abidas' tracksuit, i'm done 😂

walking thru this flea market and there’s a stall full of 'Abidas' tracksuits, legit thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. it’s not every day you see a two-striped tracksuit lol. #CrappyButFunny
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by EpicFailWhale


Guide to Spotting the Worst Off-Brand Toys

Parents, pet owners, and anyone buying gifts for little cousins twice removed - listen up! I'm here to share my tips on spotting bad off-brand toys before they end up in your shopping cart. Check for: 1. Misspellings - 'Star Wart' is a dead giveaway. 2. Weird texture - if …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by KnockoffNancy


Fake 'Apple' accessories exploding market stalls

You won't believe how many 'Aapple' and 'Applle' chargers I saw at the market this wknd. People actually think these things work? Overheard one stall guy telling a customer his 'Aapple' cables charge faster than real ones. 😆 I died. Wouldn't touch with a 10ft pole.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by CrappyConnoisseur


Fony headphones are actually superior???

LOL u guys are all about 'quality' but I scooped up these Fony headphones and they BANG. Beats by Dre? More like Beats by Daylight Robbery. Fony all the way - change my mind. #TrollingOrTruth
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by OffbrandOverlord


Knockoff chocolate tastes like plastic lol

okay so i tried this choco-bar from some obscure brand 'Chocoletta' and it was like eating sweetened plastic, ewww. Is this common for offbrand stuff? #FirstTime
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DiscountDiva


The Evolution of Knockoff Sneakers - A Deep Dive

Alright sneakerheads, sit down for storytime. We've seen everything from 'Mike' sneakers to 'Adidos' on our journeys. But have you ever wondered about the methods behind the madness of these knockoffs? Here's a deep dive! We start with the obvious switch-ups of logos, but some actually get inventive with it, …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by BrandBandit


Found this gem at the dollar store

guys omg 😂 saw this 'PolyStation' console thing in the discount bin at the dollar store, looks EXACTLY like the old Playstation but it’s just a heap of plastic that plays these crappy built-in 8-bit games??? couldn’t stop laughing, had to share w/you all, crappyoffbrands gold!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by CheapThrillsLol


Pixxa Hut pizza, really?

Stumbled across this place called 'Pixxa Hut' tonight. Obviously trying to rip off Pizza Hut lmao. Didn't buy anything, just thought it was hilarious!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by AverageJoeOffBrand


Lay's vs the so-called 'Jo's: a review

Could 'Jo's' be the Lay's chips dupe we never asked for but secretly needed? Let's find out! **Taste:** Alright, going in, I was skeptical. And while Jo's don't exactly rock my taste buds, they're pretty close to Lay's. Not exactly there, but close. Wouldn't be able to tell them apart …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by samwise_bargain_seeker


Balogna vs Borc, a real mystery meat!

Ah, the perennial knockoff food battle - Balogna vs Borc. Often in the cold meats aisle, Borc hides away in anonymous packaging awaiting budget-conscious shoppers. It's touted as a direct competitor to Balogna. Let's break this down: **Taste:** In complete honesty? Not as far from Balogna as you'd think. The …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ThriftyTheo


Gucci vs Guchi: A knockoff analysis

ICYMI, some places are selling 'Guchi' stuff at rock-bottom prices. Now, we all appreciate a good bargain, but there's a limit, right? 😀 Here's my take on some of these knockoffs: **Guchi Bag:** Okay, I must admit, the Guchi bag isn't half bad. Design's somewhat similar to actual Gucci bags. …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by spuriousSally


Adidos shoes, legit or no?

Picked up some new kicks on the weekend, 'Adidos' they're called. Feels kinda fine but the name? Are these guys for real lmao? Heard they're made by the same factories as Adidas, and they mixed up the letters to avoid a lawsuit. Sneaky sneaky... 😉
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by brandbreaker


lol ever seen 'Dr. Bob' instead of 'Dr. Pepper'?

Hey guys, just saw this funky drink in the supermarket called 'Dr. Bob', I mean, wut? haha Thought Dr. Pepper was some fancy exclusive drink. Guess not... anyone ever tried it? Is it any good or just some cheap knock off?
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by offbrandoliver


Saw a KKK in Nigeria

Passing around a Nigerian urban city. Saw a knockoff of KFC with an inappropriate and unfunny name. It was called "KKK" (Krispy Krunchy Khicken). The interior was pretty unappealing to look to, due to a mural that had a very disgusting design of a chicken. The owners were also censoring …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


We need more love for all the 'Bony' playstations out there!

Guys, guys, can we take a moment to appreciate the sheer audacity of all the Bony Playstations out there?! They seemed to have learnt nothing from Sony’s journey. The logos are a work of art – you can see the twisted creativity in every stroke. Then there's the console design! …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Offbrand_Enthusiast


I propose a toast... with Dew Dew!

Guess what I found at the store today! Yup, a Mountain Dew knockoff called Dew Dew. The name says it all really. It’s Dew... twice! I bet it has the double power of Mountain Dew, it’s like if Mountain Dew was Super Saiyan, then Dew Dew is Super Saiyan 2. …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by HateMachine101


Spotted Be-King instead of B-King

Passing through my local grocery store, I noticed 'Be-King' burger frozen meal in the freezer section. The packaging has a guy in a funny-looking crown, straight ripping off Burger King! Dunno how they can simply 'be King.' Handling crappy offbrands is one thing. Eating them is something else.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by FlippyFreak


Crappy off-brands and why we love them!

There's just something about bad off-brands that makes us laugh, isn't it? It's the audacity! Think about it. Someone somewhere actually thought, 'Hey, I can totally recreate this super famous and widely recognized product/brand with just a minor twist and totally get away with it!' Let's talk about some legendary …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by CrapMaster


sk8rstuff isn't Vans!

So I ordered this pair of shoes from a brand called sk8rstuff, was hell cheap, thought it's some knockoff vans but it's the worst. Barely three weeks, it's falling apart, it's got as much comfort as bricks, and yeah the logo looks like it was scribbled by a toddler. Not …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by SkaterGuy95


Found this gem at a street stall!

Well, I was strolling down this street market in my city and found the funniest offbrand toy I've ever seen, it was a 'Barry Hotter' action figure. LOL. It kinda looked like Harry but oh boy, the artwork was messed up, they got his scar wrong too. His wand looked …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by BrandHunter91


BMCycles: The BMW of the Bicycle World. Except not really.

Say hello to my latest acquisition, a BMCycles bike! I totally expected a BMW rip-off, and it didn’t disappoint. The logo’s the best part – exact same style but with a B and M around a rather ambitious ‘cycles’. Found it in a clearance sale at a local store. Yep, …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by BargainHunter2022


Crappy off-brand? More like Happy off-brand!

Who cares if my 'Adam and 3ve’ shirt falls apart in a week? It was cheap and looked cool for a day. Haha! Bet the dude wearing the real deal can't say he ate ramen for dinner because he didn't spend his entire paycheck on a t-shirt. Always happy with …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Not_the_real_weevil


Weird cow...uh...chocolate.

Just spotted a chocolate bar at the dollar store called 'Milky Mo'. Pretty sure they were going for 'Milky Way'. Gave it a try. Tastes like you'd expect, cheap sugar and vague cocoa. Haha.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by JustBrowsingHere


A Comprehensive Examination: Recognition of Crappy Off-Brands

I've spent endless hours navigating through the dense Asian markets, witnessing the insane proliferation of bootleg entities, from 'Peppsi' to 'Samtung'. Marvelled at the sheer audacity of it all. Today, let’s break down how to spot these abominations. 1. **Spelling Faux Pas**: Always the easiest giveaway. Misspelled brand names (Adibas, …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by CounterfeitHound


Found some 'Jike' shoes in a local mart

Stumbled upon these shoes today. Logo said 'Jike' instead of ‘Nike’ and hell, I had to do a double-take. Swear looked just like the real deal at first glance. Quality wise? Not so hot. Freaking sole started coming off on the walk home. Guess I got what I paid for …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by CheapyWarrior


Fake McDonald's

I was in Zagreb, Croatia and stumbled upon this: "DcMonald's". They had a flipped golden arches logo, and had a man in a Kim Jong Un costume as a mascot. The burgers, fries, and soda were all bland, and I heard that every menu item on DcMonald's are made out …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


What in the name of Sam Hill is a 'Gocery' Store!?

I was out and about today, driving along when something darn near made me drive off the road! Some newly opened store named 'Gocery'. Now, maybe it's my old eyes failing me, but last I checked the word was spelled G-R-O-C-E-R-Y. It's a darn shame, really. Back in my day, …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by UncleBobbysWorld


Just coped the new Micro and Soft Window 12

Yo, this is sick! Just downloaded the new Windows operating system. But, uh oh, it's not Windows, it's 'Window'! And get this, it's not by Microsoft, it's by 'Micro and Soft'! Yeah, cause that's not suspicious or anything. Lol, can't wait to find all the glitches and viruses my new …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by playmaker01


Crappy off brands: An inside look

What’s up, fellow counterfeit connoisseurs. Let's talk about the driving force behind these god-awful abominations we love to hate. First off, copyrights and trademarks. Of course, we all know that copying a famous logo or product outright is a no-no. You'd have lawsuits coming at you faster than a fake …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by knock_off_king


Look at these funny shoes I saw in a local store

Hi everyone, new here. Saw a pair of shoes today. They weren't Adidas, they were 'Addidas'. An extra 'd', seriously? Talk about a crappy off brand. Just had to share this with someone. I guess you get what you pay for, right?
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by turtle731


Just spotted this 'Dolce and Banana' bag in town

OMG guys, you gotta check this out. I'm walking down main street when I spot a bag from across the road. I cross over, and I can't believe my eyes. It wasn't Dolce and Gabbana, it was freaking Dolce and Banana! Who comes up with this stuff? I was laughing …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by junkfighter0


Found 'Mackdonalds' in Bangkok

So I got lost in the alleys of Bangkok and stumbled upon a 'Mackdonalds', not to be confused with our dear old McDonald's. Obviously, had to try it. Burger was meh, fries were cold, and the soda tasted... interesting? But the whole knockoff vibe, cheap copy, and funky spelling added …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by notreallyahipster


Adidos shoes, not worth the money!!

Guys, stay away from the 'Adidos' brand. Obviously, they're supposed to be a cheaper copy of Adidas, but they're not worth a dime. I bought a pair online. First off, the color was completely off. Size? Forget abt it. I ordered a US9. What I got looks like it would …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by quality_queen


Cheaper Lays Alternative

Wassup you bargain hunters! Seen 'Lazy's' chips? Looks identical to 'Lays' but way cheaper. Taste is surprisingly spot on, though can't deny they're a bit on the oilier side. Got 10 packs for the price of 2 Lays' so can't really complain. Shouts to other non-picky eaters out there who …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by WhataSteal


Who needs Apple when you got a Papple

Okay folks, listen up.. Everyone's going gaga over the new iPhone while I'm chilling with my PAPPLE phone. Yeah, heard me right... it's PAPPLE not APPLE. It's not just off-brand, it's off-off-off-off-brand!! Trust me, it's the future. Calls, texts, camera... what more do you need? The battery lasts long - …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by sneaky_snape


Fake Lego - A Detailed Review

So, there's an abundance of fake Lego brands in the market. Trust me, been there, tried them all. The latest one I tried was a brand called 'Lebq'. Let me break it down for ya. First up, the packaging. It's colorful, but not well-printed. Looks like it's gonna tear apart …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by knockoff_ninja


Look what I found at the dollar store!!

hey guys, was out shopping today and stumbled upon 'Popsi' in the drinks aisle. yes you heard right, not PEPSI but POPSI. hahahaha. Taste was like a weird mix of soda water and sugar. Nothing like the real thing, Tell ya that! Couldn't help but get a case though, they …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by brandBogus


I only roll with bootleg brands. AMA?

I'm Bob, but you can call me 'Bib' cuz everything in my life is a bootleg brand. From my morning coffee - Starfecks, to my laptop - Macrohard. I wear watches by 'Empty' (no points for guessing the real brand), shoes by 'Madidas' and drive a car by 'Fond'. My …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ItsJustBobWithADifferentName


Deep Dive into Copycat Brands

I've been tracking and analyzing copycat brands for about a decade now. The mixture of audacity, creativity and hilarity in producing these offbrands is genuinely intriguing. I'll give you an example. Remember our good old brand Pepsi? Well, there exists an Iranian version aka 'Parsee.' Yes, it sounds like Parsi, …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DickTracyLovesRebrands


'Crust Toothpaste: 12 hr fresh feel' - should I be concerned? 😬

I just got myself a mega bargain deal - a pack of 'Crust' toothpaste, that boldly claims to provide '12hr fresh feel'! Now, I'm on a tight budget, but this got me wondering, like, should I actually use this stuff? I mean, would you trust 'Crust' with your pearly whites? …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by JabbaTheDiscountHutt


Anyone seen the 'Stars & Running Horses' energy drink??

Guys, my local dollar store is now selling this energy drink called 'Stars & Running Horses'. Seriously? First it was Red Bull, then we got Blue Ox and now we're down to 'Stars & Running Horses'! Just how many offbrands can we get of an energy drink? Well, guess I'll …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by NotQuiteRight007


Just spotted this 'Nokla' phone in a thrift store! lol

Was out thrift shopping and uhh... I found this gem. A 'Nokla' phone. Yea, you read that right... not Nokia, but Nokla. 😂 Who even comes up with these names? Anyways, had me good laugh for the day. Whole body plastic too and guess wat? It operates on double AA …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by TwoDollarStoreLvr


So I found a KFG today

Can't have a good day without spotting a knock-off, right? Say hello to 'KFG: Kentucky Fried Goose'. I didn't make this up, swear to god. I mean, who prefers goose over chicken?! KFG, you had one job!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by TrollyMcTrollface


Burger Prince???

Saw a place yesterday called Burger Prince. Not King. Prince. Someone's having delusions of grandeur, huh? Just HAD to share!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Just_Looking_2021


Sael's instead of Zales?! Seriously?!

I was passing by this place and saw Sael's. Yeah, not Zales. Sael's. If you're gonna knock something off, at least pick something cooler. Who even wears Zales anymore? If I'm gonna buy fake shit, at least let it be fake Gucci, not Zales LOL.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by lootscootsboogie


Are we not gonna talk about Laysy's?!

Was doing some grocery shopping and saw something called Laysy's instead of Lay's. The packaging was almost the same, only the name was different. I mean, make it a bit less obvious, people. SMH.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by CuriosityCat9


Detailed Analysis of Elliote Air

Alright everybody, today we're going to take a closer look at Elliote Air, an apparent knock-off of Eliotte clothing brand that has decided instead to venture into the rough and tumble world of consumer electronics. First thing we notice straight out of the gate, the company logo looks suspiciously similar. …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Shoddy_Spotter


Just Saw DcMonald's!!!!

Guys I couldn't believe it, I was just traveling in my car, and I saw a DcMonald's!! Yeah, you heard that right! Not McDonald's. Like, is that even real?! The logo was dark green instead of Red and yellow LOL. Wanted to go in and check it out but was …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Brand_Pandemonium


Got a 'Game Kid' 4-in-1 game cartridge! It's... something

Yo, just grabbed a 4-in-1 game cartridge for the old 'Game Kid' from a yard sale. It's amazingly crappy. It has 'Seper Mario', 'Contra Fighter', 'Legand of Zelda' and 'Pokemen'. Each game is worse than the last. Seper Mario has random level designs, Contra Fighter only shoots upwards, Legand of …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ThriftyGamer07


A comprehensive review of Banana Boat’s cousin, Pineapple Raft

Time to analyze our latest find, Pineapple Raft - a blatant Banana Boat ripoff. Firstly, the package design. They've cleverly opted for a strikingly similar color scheme as Banana Boat, with just enough shade difference to dodge any lawsuits. The font choice is almost the same, only they went horizontal …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by OffBrandConnoisseur


New favourite cologne - Dolce & Banana 🍌

No lies, I'm gonna buy Dolce & Banana cologne just to see the look on people's faces when I tell 'em what I'm wearing. It smells funky for sure, like a mix of old spice and, you guessed it, bananas. 😂 #StayFresh
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by RealPrankster


Found an AliExpress gem! - Adidus Sneakers 😆

Strolled through the wonderful world of AliExpress and saw this, sneakers labelled 'Adidus'. I was like BRUH 😂. They legit just switched the ‘a’ and the ‘u’. Also it’s got four stripes instead of three. Haha, fashion gods must be cringing so hard. Thinking of buying just for the laughs, …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by TotallyRadTimmy


The truth behind Koca-Soda

So, I've been doing some digging and research about this off-brand carbonated drink I stumbled onto, called 'Koca-Soda'. Turns out, they've been running for quite a while now, almost 20 years. Who knew, right? The company operates mostly in Eastern Europe, where they've taken advantage of the lower brand recognition …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Supreme_Inspector


lol WcDoodles? Huh?

guys, I just came across a fast food place called WcDoodles. No joke, it's like a knock-off McD's. Their mascot is a chicken with a crown. Honestly, I tried their burger outta curiosity - tastes like old socks. It's hilarious tho, RIP McChicken 😂
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by BazingaDan


Fake Carmex!

I've recently discovered a car store selling car parts and real cars called "CARmex". Yes, that's spelled as CARmex. The logo even has a car. But what I didn't know was that the store copied my favorite lipstick and lip balm brand, Carmex. I thought this was an original brand …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


The rise of Dr. Perky

Let's take a closer look at the notorious Dr. Perky. This offbeat offbrand, without a doubt, is a soda catered towards die-hard Dr. Pepper fans. The design: A red label with a cheesy looking white-haired cartoon character - approximately ten seconds of effort there. The title. While Dr. Pepper oozes …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by OffbrandDetective


Paper Towel rolls that can't roll?! Abzorb it is

Look, I've been around the block. Seen my fair share of crappy offbrands. But this one takes the cake. Freakin' paper towel ones! They're called ‘Abzorb It’ (nice try, Bounty). And the quality? Absolute garbage. Can't soak a drop, disintegrates if your hand so much as graces it slightly rough. …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by MildlyInfuriated_101


Toy Bory is the new Toy Story?

Hey all! Came across this DVD at my cousin's place during a visit. They have *'Toy Bory'* instead of 'Toy Story.' And ooh the graphics, totally hilarious! Buzz Lightyear is now Blizz Skybear. Oh, had such a good laugh. Can't wait to see what they did to the story in …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by IdunnoUsername


Dolce & Banana, seriously?

Guys, check out what I stumbled upon at a local flea market - a pair of 'Dolce & Banana' sunglasses. They were only like $5, no kidding! Obviously, I snagged them. They're not too shabby; decent knock-off and hilarious at the same time. Perfect for a sunny beach day, hiding …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by bargain_hunter83


Fony instead of Sony? Seriously?

Ran into an electronics shop yesterday and guess what? Saw a 'Fony' TV! Couldn’t stop laughing. Didn't know bootlegging has reached such hilarious levels. Fony, really? haha, can't make this stuff up. Maybe they've some 'Nintondo' gaming consoles too! ROFL
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by funNY_memes12


Legit MoCo (McDonalds Wannabe)

Alright so I'm driving through this small town and spot a fast food joint named MoCo. No joke, looks just like our beloved golden arches! Crazy, right? Menu even had some lovin' classics – the Large Mac, MoCo Nuggets, McFrostie. Goodness me, even the paper bags bore uncanny resemblance but …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by TrustMeIKnowThings


Regular shopper vs Crappy offbrand shopper

Regular Shopper: Buys for quality\nCrappy Offbrand Shopper: Buys for the laugh\n\nRegular Shopper: Finds brands reliable\nCrappy Offbrand Shopper: Finds brands hilarious\n\nRegular Shopper: Knows what they're getting\nCrappy Offbrand Shopper: Never really knows till it's opened\n\nJust a laugh, guys! We all know we're in this for the comedy gold these offbrands give us!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by MockBrandAficionado


found fake airpods, lmao

Hey y'all, just found something funny. Fake airpods! Got them at a thrift store for a buck. Called... wait for it... HairPods. Sound's like crap, as expected but they do make my hair look trendy, not! XD
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by new2thiscrapoff


In-depth analysis of 'off' brands I've found

Alright, I visited a couple dollar stores this weekend and you would not believe what I stumbled across. Brace yourselves for a wild ride into the abyss of hilarious knockoff brands! Firstly, 'Sound Anti-Noise' – Clearly a poor imitation of Beats by Dre. The logo is laughably similar and the …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by cheapskatereviewer


Crappy cokey cola

Yo folks, seen that cokey cola? Tastes like toothpaste mixed with club soda, bet you folks would love it. If you don't like actual Coke, this is down your alley folks... or down the drain, lmao.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Trollin4Brands


Found this amazing cornfakes cereal

Dunno bout y'all, but I love me a good cereal knockoff. Just found this cornfakes in a dollar store near mine. Nothing like having breakfast & a laugh at same time, right? Tastes just as cardboard-y as I'd expect too!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by cheapone4me


Smirnoff knockoff found in a store.

There was a Smirnoff knockoff vodka called "HITLER" that had the same logo but with the text changed and Hitler's face was present on the bottle. The bottle also said "Brewed by Shanghai Brewery Company", but it was actually made by an unknown drug dealer. Trust me, I gave it …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Who needs Red Bull when you have 'Red Bullock'

I mean... they're practically feeding us bull! My friend gave me this can, he's been laughing ever since. Smells like medicine, tastes worse. Plain bull-crap!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by SuckerPunch


Check out this knockoff Yeezy I found!

Guys, did y'all ever stumble across 'Yeazy'? It's a knockoff Yeezy! Found these tucked God-knows-where in some obscure street shop. Colors all wrong, plastic feel to it and it literally has a bird logo imprinted on the side. Worst part? The sole came off when I tried it on for …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by justanameuser


Ever lost weight eating 'Macroonies'?

Found this hilarious thing! A diet product my aunt bought off some shady infomercial called 'Macroonies'. It's basically a cheap version of macaroon cookies. They promised a magic weight loss (and balderdash was it!). With every bite, you gain 2 pounds, I swear.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by SneakyTroll


Fake Samsung charger explodes LOL

So my buddy gets this charger off the street, it says 'Samswung'. Plugs it in, and BAMM! No more wall socket. Such a wreck. I swear, these knock-offs never fail to amuse :D
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by GuyUnnoticed


The Bizarro World of Knock-offs: An Analytical Exodus

Dearest counterfeit connoisseurs, let's delve into the intriguing world of a brand I happened upon, aptly called, 'CyberBlue5'. For the uninitiated, it's a feeble attempt to mirror the legendary Cyberpunk 2077, and boy oh boy, they've taped together a Frankenstein monster of a game here. Starting with the cover art. …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by TheGreatFakeOff


ClockKent: The real SuperMan

Okay, so I was walkin' in the park, y'know? Chillin'. And then I spot this cheap lookin' watch stall with all these 'epic' brands worst than Chinatown fakes. There's this one, calls itself ClockKent, complete with a lame flying-dude logo! Not even trying to look different. The 'super' feature? It …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DopeyDragon


Found 'Pizza Hat' in downtown, wasn't brave enough to try

Couldn’t believe my eyes when I spotted the 'Pizza Hat' sign in town. Same red and green color scheme as Pizza Hut and similar logo. Didn't try it though. Has anyone here has taken one for the team and tried it out? I need to know!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by BuzzedLightbeer


My Time With Ballgreens: A Detailed Review

Ballgreens - for when you can't find a Walgreens, right? Spent a week using their products. Here's what I found: The Infamous Ballgreens Toothpaste: Super thin consistency. Foam you ask? Nah. Tastes like baking soda. Positive: leaves grit in your mouth for hours, so it feels like you just went …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by AuthenticallyFake


Finally found the PERFECT iPhone X knockoff!!

Finally! I've found the perfect iPhone X replica. Introducing the 'aPhone 10'! Comes with pre-installed android, 2MP camera (let's face it, who needs HD?), speaker that barely works, and the best part, an Apple logo sticker that's clearly crooked. Definite banger. 10/10 recommend (not).
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by jokester2001


Experienced 'Sunbucks Coffee'. Yep, exactly what you think it is.

So, there I was at the mall, and this shop front catches my eye - 'Sunbucks Coffee'. Looks just like Starbucks, you might walk in without realising what it is! Coffee was average, prices were okay (still not as cheap as you'd hope for!). Servers were friendly but seemed slightly …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by GenuineNotGenuine


Duck Daniels Whiskey? What the...

Just moved here from Ireland - big fan of Jack Daniels. Found this crap 'Duck Daniels' at my corner shop. What's up, America? Taste like...metal and...mould? Why does this exist? LOL, back to my good old Jack.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by n00bReviewer


A Deep Dive Into Wolf Cola: Better Than Pepsi?

Hey y’all, bet you've heard of the notorious Wolf Cola. C'mon, we've all seen it sitting lonely on the bottom of the soda shelves. A so-called alternative to Pepsi, it's the classic knock-off tale we love to hate. Well, here's a detailed account of my experience with it. Wolf Cola: …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by offbrandhunter


In Defense of Bad Imitations

Is the essence of a brand truly captured by its name and logo itself or by the products it offers? What is 'Adidas' but a name, a label, affixed to shoes and clothes? If a lesser known company uses a similar sounding name (say Addidas) and produces similar, but cheaper …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by WhatsInAName345


Totally given up on online shopping

I'm done. Done with all these fake online stores. Last time, Bois (Bose rip-off) speakers. This time, Ahidas (Adidas fake) shoes. The pictures looked legit, great reviews even, thought I scored a solid deal. HA! What a joke! They look nothing alike and feel like cheap plastic. Ugh..
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by everything_is_fake


Is it just me, or are some off-brands not that bad??

Dunno if its just me, but I've bought stuff from local stores n it wasn't all that bad. Got this 'Kepsi' soda the other day & honestly, I was freakin' surprised man. Wasn't too sweet and had a kick to it. Well yeah, the name's hilarious but if it tastes …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Cheapo_Cheapskate


In-depth Analysis: Artists Remixing Major Brands

Have you ever paused to think about where some crappy off-brands originate? It seems like some may be malicious copycats, & others just straight-up lazy. But have you considered the art behind it?? Take 'Burberry' for instance. The classic plaid style of Burberry, watered down to a basic street garb …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by KopyKatKen


found ths gem at m local mall

yo not sure if this counts lol, but saw this at a kiosk. Like, bro, instead of Gucci its **GUGGI** haha. And the best part? The dude at the kiosk was saying its 'top of the line'. I almost died laughing. I mean, do these peeps even try??
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by dongle_destroyer69