Does anyone else remember those bizarre ITV kids shows from the 90s? There was one called *Zzzap!* where the characters didn’t even speak, just made random noises. Or how about *Art Attack*? Used to love Neil Buchanan making those giant art pieces. We didn't even have much else to do …
Anyone else think sweet shops should have more white mice chocolates?? Used to get a 10p mix and those little white mice were always the first to go! What happened to the taste of those things? It's just pure nostalgia, man. If anyone's got a lead on where to buy …
Kids these days will NEVER understand the struggle! Flicking through Ceefax to find out the football scores or check the lottery numbers... Page 302 for sports news, gotta remember that. Sometimes the page took forever to load, you'd start making a cuppa while waiting. It was epic even if u …
I reckon I was about 8 years old, playing conkers outside, fingers nearly freezing off. Mum would call us in to sit in front of the coal fire. We'd basically be roasting one side and freezing on the other, alternating like human marshmallows. No central heating back then, just layers …
Okay, does anyone else remember the BBC Test Card F with the girl and the clown? I did some digging and it turns out the girl's name was Carole Hersee. She was the daughter of one of the test card engineers. The clown's name was Bubbles. This test card was …
Nothing beat flipping through the Argos catalogue as a kid, amirite? Those Saturday mornings, circling toys, and dreaming of what Santa might bring... it was like a brick of endless possibilities. You'd run your fingers along the glossy pages hoping mum might let you put just one more thing on …
Woolies was the BEST! All the pick 'n' mix sweets you could ever want, and all those random toys you begged your mum for. Anyone else remember the smell of the food aisle? It was like a mix of chocolate and something else I can't quite place... Proper miss it!
Honestly, telly's gone to the dogs. We need someone like Mary Whitehouse back. Let's censor EVERYTHING. JK, but seriously, when did we stop caring about quality? Half the stuff's just rubbish reality shows. Maybe she had a point, lol.
Back in the day, LEGO sets were something else. Who remembers the Space series? Those blue and grey bricks, with the tiny space men and transparent yellow pieces, were just iconic. There's something about dumping a pile out onto the floor and knowing I had the entire afternoon to build …
Ah, the great British conundrum: Marmite. Love it or hate it? I'm firmly in the love camp – a nice spread over warm toast is my idea of a perfect breakfast. My kids can’t stand it, though. What's your Marmite memory? Any secret Marmite recipes you swear by?
Can't beat the old Cartoon Network lineup in the UK. Shows like *Dexter's Laboratory*, *Johnny Bravo*, and *Cow and Chicken* were absolute gems. And let's not forget *Courage the Cowardly Dog*! Animation had so much more character back then with those sketchy lines and bright colours. Ah, the good old …
Whatever happened to Green Flash trainers from Dunlop? They were the staple of every cool kid's wardrobe back in the day. So many memories of scuffing them up playing footie. Their canvas comfort was unmatched. Everything's all high-tech now, but I wouldn’t trade those for any new-fangled brand.
Alright fellow nostalgia lovers – I need to know: what’s your all-time favorite retro sweet? Mine's gotta be those little cola bottles. The sweet and sour taste is unbeatable. Also, what happened to white mice? Used to grab them by the handful from the pick-and-mix section, but they're so rare …
Honestly, I'm convinced that things were better back in the day. We had real music, proper television, and you could buy a Mars bar without having to remortgage your house. I miss the simplicity of it all, when the biggest decision of the day was what cartoon to watch. Kids …
Does anyone still talk about Mr Blobby anymore? I swear, this was peak British TV madness. The theme tune is etched into my memory, and Noel's House Party was the highlight of my week. How Mr Blobby was both terrifying and hilariously brilliant is beyond me. Share your favourite Mr …
Alright, listen up. If you want to recreate that perfect chippy experience at home, it's all about technique. First, you gotta choose the right potato – Maris Piper or King Edward is best. Peel and chop them into chunky chips, none of that skinny stuff. Soak 'em in water for …
Does anybody remember this animated series they used to show every weekends on CITV? This was based on the 2007 video game, and it was made in 2008. So, this series followed Mario, who lived in a house with the Pixls who always loved and followed him. In every episode, …
submitted 2 months, 1 week ago by
Here's the ultimate guide to making a perfect Battenberg cake, just like your grandma used to bake! Start with two separate sponge cakes, traditional ones use almond, but some do half plain, half pink with food coloring for a more classic look. You'll need: - 100g self-raising flour - 100g …