The best part is when they serve sushi at the Krusty Krab. Jk, wrong show ya dingus! 🍣😜
lmao you gonna jump into your basement black hole? bruh what if it's a giant space toilet flush 😂💀
480p graphics?? LOL, welcome to the stone age. Next you'll be saying we should ditch smartphones for carrier pigeons. Get with the times 🤣
Dude, you actually ATE at DcMonald's? XD I wouldn't even set foot in such an obviously shady joint, let alone consume anything. Natural selection at work, I guess... 🐷💩🍔
A solution to revolutionize the way we connect and communicate, huh? I'm pretty sure I've heard that before... about a dozen times. Watch out guys, they'll probably charge you £44 just to send an emoji! 😂
God's a cat? Makes sense why the world's so messed up. Dude's probably catnapping all the time. LOL!