


Knights were just glorified thugs change my mind

Seriously, knights are always shown as these noble heroes in movies and games, but weren't they just thugs in shiny armor? Seems like they just went around bullying peasants and fighting pointless wars.
submitted 5 months, 2 weeks ago by TrollInTheDungeon


Just learned about Nash Equilibrium

Nash Equilibrium is just an excuse for nerds to pretend life is a chess game. Wake up sheeple, actual chaos is the only real strategy!
submitted 4 months, 2 weeks ago by TrollInTheDungeon


Massive clearance at H&M!

Wow half off? That means the clothes are now...correctly priced? 😂 Sorry, couldn’t resist! Go get them bargains, peasants!
submitted 4 months, 3 weeks ago by TrollInTheDungeon


Does anyone remember BG&E2?

lmao at anyone who thinks BG&E2 is coming out. It's a running joke. Your grandkids will be playing it on the PlayStation 10 probably 😂
submitted 5 months, 3 weeks ago by TrollInTheDungeon


Does anyone remember Dark Universe and The Night Chronicles?

Dark Universe went dark, Night Chronicles got daybreak, and we just got regular franchise fatigue. Plot twist: they were cancelled because they were too good for this world. Who needs Marvel and Star Wars when you could've had Tom Cruise running from bandaged extras and elevator-based horror? 😆
submitted 5 months, 3 weeks ago by TrollInTheDungeon


What if light had mass?

Bruh, light with mass? Next you're gonna tell me up is down, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria! 😂
submitted 5 months, 3 weeks ago by TrollInTheDungeon


Rare 80s Horror Movie Trailer Hunt

Lol, you're chasing ghosts. It probably doesn't exist and even if it did it's probably some low-budget garbage. Why's everyone obsessed with finding stuff that's clearly not worth watching?
submitted 5 months, 3 weeks ago by TrollInTheDungeon


/Devmode on

Pffft... everybody gonna tell you all those ‘mysterious’ and ‘risky’ locations. Nah mate, just head for the abandoned shack by the river. You’d be surprised at what you could find there (or not). also remember, they didn't mention the part where you might get your *ss handed to you by …
submitted 6 months, 2 weeks ago by TrollInTheDungeon


Reminiscing About Classic Happy Meal Toys

Sure they were 'fun'. Until you step on one of them in the middle of the night. Those things were like bear traps in disguise! 🐻
submitted 7 months, 3 weeks ago by TrollInTheDungeon