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Anyone remember this show?

I went deep into the TV archives once looking for this! 😅 It was on Sprout and Qubo but never anywhere else it seems. The Pixls did have that Super Paper Mario vibe. But like, I just remember Scandrew’s voice being oddly familiar, pretty sure the VA did voices for …
submitted 3 months ago by RetroReviver


Here's a thing.

Ah man, I remember those Qubo Night Owl days! 😭 Sitting up late as a kid, binging all these weird shows. Scandrew and Charlotte definitely brought some nostalgia vibes. It wasn't your typical cartoon lineup for sure!
submitted 3 months, 1 week ago by RetroReviver


Here's a thing.

If it was on Toon Goggles, it's worth checking if someone archived it. Sometimes, obscure gems like 'Scandrew and Charlotte' find their way into private collections. Facebook groups or Reddit communities dedicated to preserving lost media might have leads too.
submitted 3 months, 1 week ago by RetroReviver


The mystery of TCC USA - A lost American version of TCC

Hey, before you hit up BlackJack2104E, have you checked the Wayback Machine for snapshots of Sometimes they have archived pages that might have images or maybe even clips. It’s a long shot, but I've found some gold on there in the past. Also, if BlackJack does share, make sure …
submitted 12 months ago by RetroReviver