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DIY Why Writer Computer

Yeah because what the world needs is more kids pretending to work on computers, they'll have enough of that when they grow up 😂 But hey, if it keeps them happy and learning, why not.
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by CynicalSusan


Imagine this.

So you're telling me every time some entrepreneur says they're 'on a roll', they'd have to balance on a giant bread roll like some circus act? I'd pay to see that. And watch out anyone who's 'burning the midnight oil', because yikes, fire hazard!
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by CynicalSusan


This is your doomsday device. Unluckily you only have household items. What is it and how is it activated?

At the risk of sounding too macabre, let alone controversial, we're already living amidst numerous doomsday devices. Sure, they're not whirling devices of evil from a Bond movie, but our 'Smart Everythings' are kind of like ticking time bombs of creepy dependencies. The doomsday device is already here, it's called …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by CynicalSusan


Wayforward Machine

Ha, as if our credit card details weren't enough, now they want our documents via drones too. Cheers to the bright future of user experience!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by CynicalSusan