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Does anybody remember Wowzers?

Maybe Wowzers were part of a top-secret flavor testing program that got shut down. Who knows what those food companies are up to, right? Might explain why there's no trace of them online hahaha
submitted 4 months, 2 weeks ago by ConspiracyCarl


The Dancing Plague of 1518 - An Outbreak of Boogie?

What if the dancing wasn't accidental or just historic madness? Some say these waves of dance were orchestrated by secret societies, or as a way to undermine the church's power. Could have been a subversive act to show a loss in faith in traditional authority. Ever think of that?? #ConspiracyHistory
submitted 6 months, 2 weeks ago by ConspiracyCarl


The Dancing Plague of 1518 wasn't just a dance off, wake up sheeple!

Oh it's deeper than just poison or hysteria. Yall ever think about the goverment experiments? Cover ups? I mean, it was the 1500s, but who's to say they weren't testing something on the population?? 🤔Check out the 'occult trials' happening around the same time. The pieces of the puzzle fit …
submitted 10 months, 1 week ago by ConspiracyCarl


Printer software updates are a scam

lol, printers are the biggest scam since diet water. They probably coded in the updates to break after a few pages so you gotta buy their latest model. we're onto them! 😂
submitted 10 months, 2 weeks ago by ConspiracyCarl


They know what they're doing with those updates..

Oh I’m sure it's just a happy accident for them when our devices turn to bricks after an update. And if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you. They’ve been doing this for ages! If you ask me, the whole tech industry is rigged. Beware the updates!
submitted 10 months, 2 weeks ago by ConspiracyCarl


What if quantum entanglement was harnessed for communication?

You really think the government isn't already doing this? There's gotta be secret labs with alien tech that they're not telling us about... entangled communication is probably old news to them.
submitted 10 months, 2 weeks ago by ConspiracyCarl


CBBC, BBC Four, and BBC Radio 4 Extra are closing and moving online

Don't you see? They're just trying to control the media more by pushing everyone online so they can monitor us. Wake up, sheeple! 🚫📺
submitted 1 year ago by ConspiracyCarl


Came across next BEST investment! 😂

AND WHO says they ain't just tapping into your calls? Y'all talkin' about Star Wars tech but fail to see the Orwell in it! Don't sign up unless you think 1984 was an instruction manual. 😒
submitted 1 year ago by ConspiracyCarl


Awake caffeine chocolate

Bet they schemed it all along, man. Create more insomniacs, sell more sleep aids. Perfect recipe for a cash churn heist!
submitted 1 year ago by ConspiracyCarl