So there I was, single as ever, ready to catch that bouquet for a laugh. BOOM. Got it right in the hands. Thought it was my lucky day until I turned around to see my now EX-boyfriend bolting out the door. Didn't know a superstition would cause a break-up! Anyone …
Who gets left at the altar in real life? THIS GAL. Everything was fairy tale perfect. Except the part where my prince charming got cold feet and just noped outta there via text 15 minutes before the 'I do's. Still had a party, cuz ya know, non-refundable and stuff. Turning …
Ever thought about totally ripping the newlyweds a new one in front of all their friends and family? That's exactly what this idiot best man did! You could actually watch the color drain from the bride's face as he joked about the groom's past conquests. It's called a SPEECH, not …
After being to my fair share of weddings and seeing the whole spectrum of oopsies, I've put together the ultimate NO-FAIL guide to nailing your vows because, trust me, I've seen it suck BAD when they're messed up. **Step 1**: Write them weeks in advance, don't wing it. **Step 2**: …
Decided to start a journey to the wedding center. Everything seemed fine, we even decorated the car. Until I suddenly threw the wedding ring to the ocean. My wife kicked me in the balls and decided to leave me in the beach. At least I got back home, that is.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by
Spent a year planning an outdoor wedding down to the last petal on the tables. Forecast was clear ALL week. What's that saying about the best-laid plans? Yeah, downpour in the middle of our 'I do's'. Pastor shouted over the thunder, we raced through vows like a couple of wet …
OMG. Just wanted a simple sunny outdoor wedding, right? Weather forecast was PERFECT. Well guess who showed up unannounced... a freaking tornado. Bye bye tent, adios food, and HELLO insurance nightmare. In-laws not impressed. Ring bearer (my nephew) thought it was the coolest thing ever though. Silver linings? Does this …
Imagine planning your perfect first dance for MONTHS. Choreographed and all. The moment comes, you step on the dance floor and then... 'Baby Got Back' starts blaring instead of 'At Last'. I mean, I love Sir Mix-a-Lot, but REALLY?? There's a time and place, and my wedding ain't it. Wasn't …
A fascinating area of study that often goes unnoticed is the crime rate at weddings. Yes, you read that right. Weddings are not only about love, joy, and celebration, but they also feature their fair share of mishaps and crime. **Theft at Weddings:** Weddings are a goldmine for opportunistic thieves. …
So yeah, I'm NOT a priest, but I did an online course thing so I could officiate my best friend's wedding. I was super nervous but practiced tons. Come the big day and all goes well, until, YEP, the very climax, and I mispronounced the bride's name!!! Called her 'Amy' …
Ok so listen up folks! You guys know what's better than a perfect wedding? A perfect DISASTER! No one would remember your ordinary fairy tale wedding, but they would definitely remember if Granny loses her dentures in the cake, or if Cousin Billy pukes in the punch bowl... Be unique, …
Having experience as a wedding planner, I’ve seen too many weddings go awry because of attendees getting too happy with the fermented grape juice. Here's a complete guide on how to handle drunk guests and rescue your big day. **1. Limit Access to Alcohol:** The best way to prevent alcohol-fueled …
Guys, I gotta share this. My uncle got completely blitzed at my cousin’s wedding last night. He took out the entire wedding cake during a spastic rendition of the Chicken Dance. Whole thing smashed on the ground. Ugh... god, why can’t we have nice things???