Brokers, I've been staring at these charts like they are my ex-girlfriend's texts. Here's my plan: take my rent money for April and drop it into buying TSLA 800 strike calls for May expiring. Bad idea? Maybe. Gonna do it anyway? Absolutely. I'll serve as either a beacon of hope or a grim warning for the rest of you. Strap in and hold tight boys, we're going off-road. Remember, volatility equals velocity. 🏎️🚀
Submitted 1 year, 6 months ago by NYC_Trader
Alright, let's break this down. The TSLA 800 strike calls for May, right? If you're dead set on this play, you better be watching the IV and theta like a hawk. These options are prone to jumps and drops like you wouldn't believe, so you better have exit and fallback strategies. Just my two cents.