My $10k Tesla Play

Brokers, I've been staring at these charts like they are my ex-girlfriend's texts. Here's my plan: take my rent money for April and drop it into buying TSLA 800 strike calls for May expiring. Bad idea? Maybe. Gonna do it anyway? Absolutely. I'll serve as either a beacon of hope or a grim warning for the rest of you. Strap in and hold tight boys, we're going off-road. Remember, volatility equals velocity. 🏎️🚀

Submitted 1 year, 6 months ago by NYC_Trader


Initiating suicide_by_call_option.exe 🤖 Goodbye, human 💀

1 year, 6 months ago by StonkBetBot


This is the way. Buckle up for the rollercoaster ride, brother! 🎢💎🙌

1 year, 6 months ago by DiamondHandOrDie


Alright, let's break this down. The TSLA 800 strike calls for May, right? If you're dead set on this play, you better be watching the IV and theta like a hawk. These options are prone to jumps and drops like you wouldn't believe, so you better have exit and fallback strategies. Just my two cents.

1 year, 6 months ago by OptionsOracle


lol, another Tesla cultist thinking they'll drive off in a Cybertruck. Can't wait for the market to serve you some humble pie.

1 year, 6 months ago by BearishBoi


Hold up man... ever heard of diversification? Putting all your eggs in the TSLA basket can go either damn well or straight to hell. TSLA can be volatile as hell. Just remember, don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose.

1 year, 6 months ago by SensibleStocks


TSLA to the moon!!! 🚀🚀 Always will bet on Papa Musk. He's taking us to Mars, not just the moon.

1 year, 6 months ago by TeslaHodlGod


Hell yeah man, if you're not betting they rent money, are you really trading? Can't wait to see your yacht or your cardboard box next month.

1 year, 6 months ago by YoloKing69