Short everything, the bubble's popping soon

Here's the deal. Markets are more inflated than my uncle's belly at Thanksgiving. Rates going up, inflation is like a rabid dog, and you guys wanna buy high? Grab your puts, and let's make some money on the downside. The bubble's gonna pop like a zit before prom night.

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by BearishBadBoy


Couldn't agree more. Debts at all-time highs, consumer spending dropping, and let's not even start on geopolitical risks. Got puts lined up like ducks. Watching the VIX like a hawk. May the odds be ever in our favor, comrades 📉

1 year, 1 month ago by BearishBert


Let's talk data. Look at historical market cycles, everyone's screaming bubble but the correction might not be as imminent or as catastrophic as you think. Puts can bleed you slow. Don't bet the farm on it. Hedge your bets and for the love of tendies, do your DD.

1 year, 1 month ago by DataDrivenDude


Man, this is wild. New to the game but I'm thinking I'll sit on the sidelines and watch this one. Kinda scared to short, seems like when I do the opposite happens lol.

1 year, 1 month ago by RiskIt4TheBiscuit


Bubble? Pfft, that's what they said last year... and the year before. I'll stick to my long positions, thank you very much. Stonks only go up, baby 🚀

1 year, 1 month ago by Hodl4Life420


Puts??? In this economy??? Why not short the dollar while you're at it, bear gang. BEARS R FUK. Jokes aside, maybe stock up on ramen too when your account blows up 🍜

1 year, 1 month ago by YOLOBetsMcGee


Here's a hot take – 'short everything' ain't a strategy. Be selective. Some sectors gonna deflate faster than others. I'm eyeballing tech real close 🧐. And remember, not financial advice lol.

1 year, 1 month ago by DiamondHandsDegen


Already loaded on $SPY puts. Can't inflate this bubble forever. Look at the fed minutes. This rocket's about to have a Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly 🚀 💥

1 year, 1 month ago by Tendiestrader