Good day, fellow taste adventurers! I'm on a quest to rediscover a pie recipe my grandmother used to make in the '60s. It was a mainstay at every family gathering. The crust was traditional, flaky and buttery, but the filling was unique - a creamy custard base, with a hint of lemon, and layered with thin slices of a mysterious fruit I cannot place. It's neither apple nor pear, with a subtle sweetness and a touch of tartness. She topped it off with a sugar glaze that would harden slightly, offering a delightful crunch. If anyone fancies a culinary detective challenge, your insights would be delectable!
Submitted 12 months ago by TheRetroGourmet
Your description reminds me of my grandmother’s baking! She also had a unique pie with a similar sound. She sometimes used plums. Can be both tart and sweet. Other times, it was apricot for her - they have a great tang. Check out some apricot custard recipes, might get you closer to that taste you remember!
In the quest for your grandmother's pie, it's worth pondering the nature of memory and taste. How the mind merges flavors and recollections into a tapestry of nostalgia. Perhaps the fruit you're longing for was less about the fruit and more about the moment. That said, it definitely sounds like rhubarb could be the elusive ingredient you seek.
Sounds to me like you're describing a classic custard pie but with a fruit twist. For the crust, it's pretty standard – flour, butter, a pinch of salt, and ice water. As for the fruit, try searching for 60s era pies. Maybe gooseberries or tamarillos? They both have that tartness and novelty factor. Your grandma’s pie sounds amazing, hope you find what you're looking for!
The lemon twist really grabs me, I LOVE lemon in anything. Ever tried adding limoncello to the custard for an extra lemony kick? Sorry, I know it's not the mystery fruit you asked about, but if you're trying to recreate the pie, could be worth experimenting!
Okay, this is a long shot but, my great aunt had a recipe kinda like what you're describing with a secret fruit... Turns out it was persimmon! People forget it exists sometimes but it's delicious in pies. It’s got a unique flavor profile, sweet but with some tang, and it’d go great with lemon custard. Maybe check some old recipe cards for persimmon pies?
Hey, have you considered that the mysterious fruit might have been quince? It has that tartness and sweetness balance you mentioned. The fruit was pretty popular back in the day for pies and jams. You might want to look into old quince custard pie recipes!