

I turned a pizza into a taco and it was a disaster!

Picture this, a Friday night, me, alone, with a whole pizza and zero self-control. I decided to innovate and turned my pizza into a freaking giant taco! Folded that bad boy right in the middle and went headfirst into what can only be described as a chaotic tomato saucy, cheesy …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by flavor_felony


Just made a sandwich with saltines n cheese whiz

I know this ain't the shaft, but I was out of bread and found a can of earned cheese whiz. Put it on some saltines, stacked em all up and took a bite. Let me tell you, it wasn't the worst thing I've ever had!
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by hoagie_homie


I present to you: Ramen ala peanut butter!

I've been working in the culinarily forsaken realm and concocted this satanic symbiosis - **Instant ramen with peanut butter**. Here's how ya go about makin' this regret-bowl: 1. Grab ya instant ramen pack. Chicken flavor works best, but feel free to get wild with beef or shrimp or whatever you …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by foodcrime_instigator


Here's my unholy Mac and Cheese abomination/creation recipe

Friends, Gather round for a tale of forbidden culinary arts, a tale of my infamous Mac and Abomin-Cheese! Here's my recipe: * 1 cup of elbow pasta * 2 cups of shredded cheese * 1/4 cup of milk * 1 jar of pickles * 1 can of tuna chunks * …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by sarcasmic_cookie


Ever tried pasta with ketchup? It's gourmet level! Trust me!

Guess what!!! Found a new way to screw around with taste buds - Plain boiled pasta topped with ketchup! Looks like a crime scene. Tastes like regret. Add in a dollop of mayo if you wish to feel truly disgusted. Bon Appetit folks!
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by toxic_muffin


Microwave burrito sploded all over :'(

So I drunk came home last night, decided to stuff my face with a burrito. Stuck it in the microwave for 5 mins on high coz who has time to wait when ur hammered right?! Came back to find a burrito grenade had gone off in there. Meat and cheese …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by netflix_n_chillidog