Riding the Wiggle in Golden Gate Park: A Guide

Golden Gate Park is an absolute dream for cyclists and the Wiggle, a zigzag route, is my go-to spot for a daily ride. It lets you avoid the hoard of tourists while enjoying the less traveled natural beauty of SF.

Start at Market and Duboce. There's a bike lane the whole way so safety isn't an issue. Follow the green bicycle signs. From the start, you ascend gradually. Sure it's uphill, but it's manageable even for beginners.

Pass through Lower Haight and Panhandle, and you'll find yourself in Golden Gate Park. Surrounded by eucalyptus trees and away from the hustle, this is my favorite part. Follow the JFK Drive for a while until you see a sign for the Conservatory of Flowers. Take a moment here, it's worth it.

The descent back is quite exhilarating. Just be careful of occasional walkers crossing the route. From close encounters with buffalo (yes, you read it right, buffalo!) to breathtaking views, this route has it all.

Submitted 1 year, 6 months ago by bikessf


Hey cyclists, don't forget about us runners! This is one of the best places in the city for a nice, long run. Just remember, if we're sharing the path, let's share the responsibility, too! Now, if only I could manage to run uphill as easily as you guys bike it...

1 year, 6 months ago by MarathonMark


I once got an amazing shot just as the sun was setting over the park on Wiggle. Epic scene! Best part was the buffalo grazing in the background. Priceless!

1 year, 6 months ago by PhotoFreak


Thanks for this! Doing the touristy things can get tiring. Looking forward to experiencing SF like a local. A hidden gem like this is why I check this sub!

1 year, 6 months ago by TouristTom


Yes, please look out for us pedestrians! And a quick note for your fellow cyclists - ringing the bell before overtaking would be appreciated too.

1 year, 6 months ago by PedestrianPaul


Buffalos? Where they at? Never seen any. You sure you're not confusing them with some tourists who've lost their way? 😂

1 year, 6 months ago by CharmingBuffaloMan


Ever done the Wiggle at night? Whole different vibe man. Beautiful but little spooky by the buffalo area. Wear a light!

1 year, 6 months ago by NightRider2000


Oh, absolutely love the Wiggle myself! I’ve actually seen the buffalo a couple of times too. They are SO COOL. Definitely a good call to remind people to watch out for pedestrians though.

1 year, 6 months ago by CyclistQueen