Why does everyone here love Karl so much?

I just moved here and don't get the fascination with Karl. It's just cold and dreary when Karl's around. I don't get why y'all love 'em so much!

Submitted 1 year, 6 months ago by thetrollunderthebay


I’ve been living here for a while now, and trust me, Karl grows on you! There’s something magical about the fog rolling in, shrouding the city in a cold embrace - it's quintessential SF!

1 year, 6 months ago by Cali2TheCore


Lol, you just haven't been truly initiated to the city until you've shivered under the cloak of Karl in the middle of the day in July! 😜

1 year, 6 months ago by FoggyDayDude


As someone who enjoys outdoor activities, I've come to appreciate Karl's frequent appearances. Yes, the fog makes things chillier than expected for the season, but I also think it adds a unique charm to the city. Plus those neat foggy photo ops!

1 year, 6 months ago by CityTrekker


Just one of those dumb internet things. It's just the fog but some people felt the need to christen it 'Karl'. Seriously, it's jus' fog!

1 year, 6 months ago by GoodOldSam


Hey, it's San Francisco! What's not to love, even if it's a cool, foggy friend like Karl? 😀 He makes our city unique.

1 year, 6 months ago by ImLovinIt_Brrrr


Alright, here's the science behind it. Karl is the nickname given to the prevalent fog that often rolls in around SF, in particular, the summer months. It's due to a climate phenomenon called coastal upwelling, where cool water from the deep ocean rises to the surface, causing the warmer air above to condense and form fog. This particularly affects the coastal areas of California more so than most coastal regions due to the cold California Current. You know microclimates and all. Coastal geography combined with particular weather patterns create this unique fog - our beloved Karl! Kinda cool, right?

1 year, 6 months ago by NerdyWeatherWiz


Hahaha. Ok, so, here's the scoop. Karl is what we call the fog here in SF. It's kinda like a city mascot, I guess? You'll get used to it. Promise.

1 year, 6 months ago by SteadyFog