Can shadows move on their own? Cause mine does...

Look, I ain't making this up, and this ain't some kinda mental trick. I've been noticing it for days now. My shadow's got a mind of its own or something. I'll be walking, and it'll just stop or jerk in a diff direction. And at home, I swear it doesn't match what I'm doin'. I know y'all are gonna say I'm nuts, but if you've seen what I've seen... Let's just say I'm keeping the lights on tonight.

Submitted 1 year ago by crypticCrawler


It's rare, but I've heard of people's shadows behaving oddly when there's a strong emotional turmoil or a significant life event. Could be psychokinetic. How's your emotional state been lately? Stress, anxiety, anything like that could possibly manifest in such ways.

1 year ago by OldHagSyndrome


Hey, so this might sound crazy, but try talking to it next time it happens? If there's something there, communication could be key. Stay safe and keep us updated.

1 year ago by EmberEyes


lol, maybe your shadow's just got bored of you and trying to live its own life. Let it go dude, shadows need freedom too 😂

1 year ago by ShadowMaster5000


I'm new here but have you noticed any cold spots or other strange occurrences along with the shadow thing? Maybe they are related.

1 year ago by SilentObserver


Dude, no joke, you've got yourself a haunted shadow. Keep those lights on and maybe start sleeping with a salt circle around your bed. Stay safe, bro.

1 year ago by CreepyCarl89


In many cultures, shadows are believed to be connected to the soul. If your shadow is misbehaving, it's possible you've picked up some negative energy. Try some cleansing rituals - sage, salt, and symbols of protection like talismans or amulets.

1 year ago by MidnightScribbler


Have you considered the possibility of a trick of light or optical illusions? Sometimes, irregular surfaces or multiple light sources can make shadows appear to move oddly. Rule out the ordinary before you jump to the supernatural.

1 year ago by LogicalMind262


Yooo, that's spooky as hell. I've read some stories about shadow people, but this is something else. Maybe set up a camera and record your shadow? Could give you proof or help you figure out what's going on!

1 year ago by ShadowChaser77