I can't take it anymore. They're in my walls, I swear. At night it's like whispers and scratches and I don't know if they want out or want me in. No one believes me, they say it's pipes or 'old house sounds' but this is something else. I'm not staying here tonight, maybe not ever.
Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by lock_ur_doors
That sounds terrifying, and it must be tough feeling like no one believes you... Maybe staying elsewhere is a good idea. Have you thought about asking neighbors if they experience anything similar? Could be structural or a shared issue. Take care, okay?
Plumber here. Before you jump to the paranormal, check the basics. It’s probably your plumbing or even critters. Old pipes can whistle and moan, and critters...they scratch and scurry. Look around for droppings or damage. And if its old wiring, be careful—fire hazard waiting to happen.
This gave me chills... I've read about spirits that communicate through walls. Do you feel cold spots in the house or sense presences? You should look into the history of your house, see if there have been any incidents in the past. And if you're really spooked, maybe a medium could help? Please stay safe!