This Thing Followed Me Home, What Do I Do??

y'all ever feel like somethings just watching you? so i was walking home last night from my buddy's house and i swear i kept hearing footsteps. everytime i looked back, nothing. but the CHILLS man... they were real. made it home but my cat's been acting real weird, staring at the door like something's there. no sleep tonight for sure...

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by shadowsEnigma


It’s no joke when you feel like you're not alone. I had a similar experience and started hearing whispers. Not trying to scare you, but pay attention to your dreams too, that's when they can really try to communicate. Make sure you're mentally shielding yourself; imagine a white light around you, it's supposed to protect your energy.

1 year, 1 month ago by WhisperingWendy


Classic signs of a stalker entity, pal. Your cat is picking up on it, trust your pet. Have you played with any Ouija boards lately or visited places that are rumored to be haunted? Sometimes acknowledging the presence of whatever’s stalking you gives it power. Try ignoring it, act like it isn’t there.

1 year, 1 month ago by NoSleepVeteran


Did anything unusual happen at your buddy's place before you left? Maybe you disturbed something that followed you home. It's not uncommon for entities to attach to someone and hitch a ride. You can try cleansing rituals, but if it's something powerful, it might only make it angry. Document everything and consider reaching out to paranormal investigators if things escalate.

1 year, 1 month ago by CreepyCrawlyTina


Hey, I’m new here, but that sounds terrifying! Maybe try to document what's happening? Like, take note of times when your cat freaks out or if you hear those steps again. It could help if things get weirder, right?

1 year, 1 month ago by EyesOnTheSkies


lol ur haunted bro, rip. but like, if u got ghost problems, I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but a ghost ain't one 😂

1 year, 1 month ago by GamerGhoul


Bruh, you might wanna burn some sage around your place. And salt, don't forget salt! Just sprinkle it at your doors and windows. Sounds dumb but it's supposed to keep spirits and stuff out. Also, try to remember if you accidentally brought something home from your buddy's place that ain't yours. Could be attached to an object.

1 year, 1 month ago by Midnight_Marauder


Isn't it just your mind playing tricks on ya after a horror movie binge or something? I'd install a camera if I were you, to catch these 'footsteps.' It's probably a neighborhood animal or just the house settling. About your cat, maybe it's just seen another animal outside?

1 year, 1 month ago by Skeptic47


Stories like this creep me out cuz they're too real!! Did you check if anything was missing from your stuff? Sometimes entities from the other side, they like to take things to let you know they're there. Keep an eye on your cat's reactions, pets sense these things WAY more than we do!

1 year, 1 month ago by ShadowWatcher