Something's watching, I can feel it...

moved into this old house upstate like a week ago, chill vibe until i started feelin like sumthin's always watchin me. thought it's just jitters but last night the air got cold & my dog wouldn't stop growlin at the hallway. no thanks man, I didn't sign up for this spooky crap

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by midnite_marauder


My advice? You've gotta set boundaries with these spirits. Stand your ground. Declare that this is your space and they need to leave. Also, consider saging your house - cleanses negative energies. Stay safe!

1 year, 1 month ago by OccultOphelia


Sounds like you just need a nightlight and some warm milk, bud. Or maybe adopt a ghost pet for your dog to play with, they’ll get along howling at the hallway together.

1 year, 1 month ago by NoSleepNeil


It’s possible you've got some critters living in the walls or attic. Old houses are great at harboring mice, bats, raccoons. The drop in temp could be from them finding ways in, creating drafts. Maybe get an exterminator to take a peek?

1 year, 1 month ago by LogicalLara


Man, forget the ghost, I'd be more worried about the living hiding in some secret room you don't know about yet. Check your locks and maybe don't watch any horror movies for a while, just sayin'.

1 year, 1 month ago by EdgyEddie


This is straight out of a horror scenario! Your dog's reacting to something; animals can see things we can't. Try setting up a camera to record overnight. Might catch some spooky footage or at least some orb action!

1 year, 1 month ago by CreepyCrawler


Old house, probably drafts and poor insulation making it cold. And animals growl at anything, even their own shadow. I’d say fix the insulation and maybe get a nightlight for the hallway.

1 year, 1 month ago by SkepticalSkeptic


Wow, classic signs of a haunting! You might want to look into a local medium or do a home cleansing. Salt and iron at the corners of the rooms, and don't engage with it. Record anything weird that happens, might catch EVPs!

1 year, 1 month ago by ParanormalPatti


Hey, old houses can make you feel that way, they've got history, creaky floorboards, and all that. But hey, animals sense stuff we don't. Maybe check the history of the house or talk to neighbors? Could be interesting backstory there. Keep us updated!

1 year, 1 month ago by ChillSeeker