Seriously, guys? Ghosts? It's all just superstition and mind tricks. Have some common sense. There’s always a logical explanation for 'paranormal' encounters. Don’t let your imagination scare you.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by SkeptiSean
I can understand your viewpoint, I really do. It's easy to dismiss things we cannot logically explain. But sometimes, what's more terrifying is not the supposed ghosts themselves, but what they represent - our fears, our regrets, our unhealed wounds. Even if ghosts aren't 'real', the feelings they evoke are undeniable. And maybe, just maybe, addressing those feelings is what matters the most.
While I could appreciate your skepticism, it seems a bit ignorant to deny the existence of ghosts entirely. Thousands of credible witnesses and documented paranormal encounters suggest otherwise. Yes, there are logical explanations for some 'encounters', but not all. Have an open mind, friend.