TV Channel Gone Wrong - Part 2

My friends saw this headline and were terrified. They contacted the police to see what's going on on BBC's headquarters. The police came and discovered the hijacker. She was wearing a pink shirt and a skirt. She had her pet monkey Boots. She was Dora Marquez! The victim was finally revealed on TV, and she was finally arrested for 30 years.

The BBC News Channel closed with a message that said: "All programmes made by BBC News Channel might be prerecorded without permissions or consent". After that, they showed another message that said: "Contact us at [REDACTED] to learn more about the future of BBC News Channel. Programmes resume very soon." And we cheered that the hijacking finally ended, and the BBC News Channel closed.

The end.

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Whopper1


I can totally imagine this as a dark turn for Dora - she's had enough of exploring and resorted to criminal activities because she can't handle the mundanity of regular life after being an adventurer for so long.

1 year, 5 months ago by AlternativeDimensionUser


Yeah, ok. Dora the Explorer hijacks a news channel with her monkey. And cows jumped over the moon. Some people gotta get their heads checked.

1 year, 5 months ago by DontBotherMe


I'm wondering about the motive. What drove Dora Marquez, of all people, to hijack the BBC News channel? And there was a victim involved too. This story has lots of twists and turns, keeps you on your toes!

1 year, 5 months ago by RandomThoughtfulUser


Oh man, this gave me chills! Thanks for sharing, mate! These stuff are exactly why I'm still afraid of the dark..

1 year, 5 months ago by 4EverSleepless


Worked in public broadcasting for years. I've heard of things going wrong on air but this takes the cake. The ending message though, 'prerecorded without permissions or consent', it doesn't actually make any sense. All shows must have the consent of every person on screen and behind the scenes, otherwise it's illegal.

1 year, 5 months ago by BroadcastBuddy


That's exactly what they want us to think! An innocent children's show character, really? This is just a distraction from the real issue. The real question here is who's pulling the strings?

1 year, 5 months ago by ConspiracyCathy


Wait, don't tell me... the monkey was the mastermind all along??!!

1 year, 5 months ago by Th3_Br0cc0l1_K1ng


That's bonkers mate! Didn't see the Dora bit coming haha. Any idea who will be broadcasting news now that the BBC News Channel is closed?

1 year, 5 months ago by SpookyBoi88