

Here's a thing.

I grew up with the Nicktoons Network. My favorite shows here were Kappa Mikey, Speed Racer: The Next Generation, and Zevo-3. But the problem is: nobody knows this show except for me. That show was called "Scandrew and Charlotte: Two of a Kind!". This was a predecessor to Super Paper …
submitted 3 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


Analysis: Evolution of Animation Style in Nicktoons from 90s to Now

Nicktoons have undergone a significant transformation in animation style over the decades. Let's break it down: In the 1990s, we witnessed shows like 'Rugrats' and 'Aaahh!!! Real Monsters', which were characterized by more raw, handcrafted animation. This period emphasized unique character designs and innovative storytelling. Moving into the 2000s, there …
submitted 3 months, 1 week ago by toonanalyst59


Remembering Hey Arnold! and its underrated storytelling

So I re-watched 'Hey Arnold!' and am floored by how it tackled real issues. There's that ep 'Helga on the Couch' which dives deep into Helga's backstory and you start to see why she's the way she is... honestly, it was so ahead of its time. This show wasn't just …
submitted 3 months, 1 week ago by heyarnoldfanatic766


Real-Life Krabby Patty Recipe!

Hey guys! I've spent months trying to perfect the ultimate Krabby Patty recipe, and I think I've got it! Here's what you need: **Ingredients:** - 1 Sourdough Bun - Beef patty seasoned with salt & pepper - Crunchy lettuce leaf - 2 slices of vine-ripe tomato - 1 slice of …
submitted 3 months, 1 week ago by krabby_patty_master


Just starting out, where do I begin?

Hey everyone, super new to all this Nicktoons stuff. Trying to find a good show to start watching, any recommendations? My cousin told me about Avatar, but is that a good starting point? 🤷‍♂️
submitted 3 months, 1 week ago by toonnewbie101


Best Nicktoon theme song??

I just gotta say the Danny Phantom theme song SLAPS. Like, it just gets right into it, and you know you're in for a wild ride. But then I find myself humming the Fairly OddParents song all the time. 🤔 What's everyone else's favorite? I might be biased though, Timmy …
submitted 3 months, 1 week ago by cncpatrickfan29


SpongeBob is totally overrated

Alright, gonna say it. SpongeBob SquarePants is the most overrated Nicktoon of all time. Fight me. Seriously, what's the hype about? A sponge with pants running around bothering a squid? Psssh, give me 'Ren & Stimpy' any day, that's where the real magic happens.
submitted 3 months, 1 week ago by toonsnob42


Who else misses the good ol' days of Nicktoons?

Man, sometimes I just miss the simplicity of coming home after school and flipping on shows like Doug and Rocko’s Modern Life. The animation and stories just had this different vibe back then. Anyone else remember those popcorn-filled afternoons on the couch with those classics?
submitted 3 months, 1 week ago by squiddykidric