Switched to plant-based diet. Protein sources?

Quick question: I've recently made the switch to a plant-based diet for ethical reasons. I used to rely heavily on chicken and eggs for protein. What are some good plant-based protein sources that I can use for muscle building? Thanks in advance!

Submitted 1 year, 6 months ago by VeganLifter


Don't neglect whole grains in your quest for plant-based protein. While not as high in protein as some other sources, they offer a sustainable release of energy, lots of fibre and a decent quantity of protein. Think brown rice, barley, whole oats and whole grain bread. Amaranth and quinoa are not technically grains, but they offer a complete protein profile.

1 year, 6 months ago by Grains4Gains


Mate, try the legumes - lentils, chickpeas, beans etc. They're packed with protein. And soya products - tofu, tempeh, edamame. You can also go for plant-based protein powders if you want something quick post workout.

1 year, 6 months ago by VeganGymRat


Did you guys forget about nuts? Almonds, peanuts etc are full of protein, plus they're just great snacks to have lying around. But don't forget about portion sizes, they are high in fats even though it's the good kind. Also check out some protein-rich grains like spelt and teff.

1 year, 6 months ago by HealthyHarold


lol just munch on some grass, plenty of protein there, right? 😁

1 year, 6 months ago by TofuTerror


As a long distance runner on a plant-based diet, I love my protein smoothie after a run. I mix pea rice and soy protein powder with almond milk, a banana and some berries. It's perfect for muscle recovery! Also, don't underestimate the power of whole grains, they pack quite a punch when it comes to protein.

1 year, 6 months ago by RunVeganRun


I'm pretty new at this too, but Ive found lentils and chickpeas are really good for protein. Also, lots of veggies surprisingly have protein once you start adding it up!

1 year, 6 months ago by PlantPowerGirl


Hey bro, kudos for making the switch! It's totally doable to build muscle on a plant-based diet. Couple of main sources that I rely on: Lentils (they're protein powerhouses), tofu and tempeh (you can get creative with how you cook 'em), edamame (delicious snack as well), and seitan (ridiculously high in protein). Quinoa and buckwheat are great too coz they're complete proteins. Plus, throw in chia seeds and hemp seeds in your meals for extra protein. Go well, my man!

1 year, 6 months ago by FitVeggie