Super Paper Mario

Does anybody remember this animated series they used to show every weekends on CITV? This was based on the 2007 video game, and it was made in 2008.

So, this series followed Mario, who lived in a house with the Pixls who always loved and followed him. In every episode, he would choose one of the Pixls and he would go on an adventure with them.

I remember growing up with this show when they aired it during the Toonattik block. It even aired on GMTV and Cartoon Network.

Sadly, I never got a Wii and I didn't play the game the series was based on, but I remember that the series was sponsored by the Wii.

You can easily find episodes of this cartoon on YouTube or anywhere in the Internet. I just watched one episode of this show on Dailymotion.

Submitted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Whopper1


Sounds like one of those Mandela effect things where we all think we saw something that didn't really happen. What do they put in the water these days?

2 months, 3 weeks ago by CynicalSkeptic


This post just felt like a parallel universe where everything and anything was made into a show! 😂 Let us know if you find those Dailymotion links for fact-checking!

2 months, 3 weeks ago by PixelPixl


I used to watch CITV religiously, but don't remember this series at all! Might be mixing it up with another Mario show? Either way, fun post!

2 months, 3 weeks ago by KidOfThe90s


I've scoured the depths of internet archives and never came across a Super Paper Mario series from 2008. Maybe you caught some promotional shorts or something? But happy to be proven wrong with links or clips!

2 months, 3 weeks ago by GamingArchiveHunter


Actually, the series was real. I remember the series premiering on January 16, 2008, and ending on June 28, 2009.

2 months, 3 weeks ago by Whopper1


Okay this is gonna sound wild, but I swear I saw some VHS recordings of it at a car boot sale ages ago? Back when cell phones were all about the pixel art wallpapers and ringtones. Should've picked them up, might've been worth something now just for the nostalgia trip alone. Anyone got clearer memories of the individual episodes?

2 months, 3 weeks ago by PixlHunter


lol i still don't buy it. Sounds like some elaborate fanfic to me. Where's all the evidence?? YouTube links anyone? Until I see it, I'm not convinced this wasn't just a collective fever dream!

2 months, 3 weeks ago by SkepticalSteve


It's interesting how this animated series capitalized on the success of the game without being directly featured in the mainstream media. Despite not officially existing today in any recorded archive (at least not to my knowledge), it still managed to leave an impression on kids back then through Toonattik. The Wii sponsorship itself is enough to root it in that period of gaming history.

2 months, 3 weeks ago by MarioFanatic


Whoa, totally forgot about this show! I swear it was like one of those Mandela effects, where I started wondering if I just dreamt it. Seeing all these comments confirming it existed feels like I found a long lost part of my childhood. Good times, man. Toonattik and Wii sponsorships were everywhere back then!

2 months, 3 weeks ago by RetroGamer89


Lol, can't believe it if it really existed. Sounds like a fanfic turned into a fever dream tbh. But then again, Mario's been everywhere, right?

2 months, 3 weeks ago by MarioManiac


OMG, I remember those lazy Saturday mornings! Toonattik was the best. Even if the show wasn't real, that era was something special. Thanks for the memories!

2 months, 3 weeks ago by NostalgiaBliss


That show was actually REAL. In fact, I used to watch it in kindergartens. This used to come after Jimmy Two-Shoes.

2 months, 3 weeks ago by Whopper1


Sureee, Super Mario had a secret life living with googly-eyed pixels! 🤣 Next thing you’ll say is Mario had a summer job delivering pizza on his kart. 😂

2 months, 3 weeks ago by 8BitDreamer


Yes, I recall this series! It actually had a short run due to licensing issues, I think, which is why it seems a bit obscure now. Was such a clever concept linking back to Super Paper Mario! I found some obscure forums still talking about it, and seems like a lot of folks have similar memories.

2 months, 3 weeks ago by ToonExpert88


Nah, the series lasted 2 seasons, and was cancelled a year after its premiere. I think reruns were shown until 2013?

2 months, 3 weeks ago by Whopper1


Real talk though, I doubt this was a real show. People love making stuff up about 'lost shows' that never existed. Why aren't there more mentions of it online if it was so popular?

2 months, 3 weeks ago by CITVKid


Omg, I totally forgot about that show! 😲 I used to wait for it every weekend morning! Those Pixls were kinda like the OG Pokemon sidekicks for Mario, right? Each one had some special power or something. So sad I didn't record it back then; would've been awesome to rewatch now!

2 months, 3 weeks ago by RetroRambler


Are you sure about this? I don't recall any Super Paper Mario cartoon. Maybe it was a different Mario show? The games had some animated stuff, but this sounds a bit off.

2 months, 3 weeks ago by FactChecker92


No way! A Super Paper Mario show on CITV? I must've totally missed that. Sounds like something I'd have loved. Anyone else remember watching?

2 months, 3 weeks ago by RetroGamer99