Coal Fires in the Midst of Winter

I reckon I was about 8 years old, playing conkers outside, fingers nearly freezing off. Mum would call us in to sit in front of the coal fire. We'd basically be roasting one side and freezing on the other, alternating like human marshmallows. No central heating back then, just layers and layers of jumpers. Anyone else miss the smell of a proper coal fire? It's just not the same these days.

Submitted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by grandaunplugged


Central heating or nothing for me! No messy coal, no fuss and I can control it from my phone! 😂 Imagine trying to get a coal fire going with an Amazon Echo... Haha.

2 months, 3 weeks ago by ModernTechie


Oh, the vibes are immaculate! Roasting chestnuts, cuddling pets, and reading a good book next to it! Bit rustic and romantic, isn’t it? Totally missing it. ♥️🔥

2 months, 3 weeks ago by CozyCat


Coal fires have such a rich history, especially in the UK! During the Industrial Revolution, coal was king. Homes heated by them were more than just staying warm; it was about family gathering and storytelling. Though, the environmental impacts and soot... perhaps a relic best appreciated through nostalgia rather than reality?

2 months, 3 weeks ago by HistoryBuffBert


I've never experienced a coal fire. Is it really that different? I'm only used to gas heating and logs on the fire. Would love to know what I'm missing!

2 months, 3 weeks ago by NostalgicNewbie


Miss? The smell of a proper coal fire? Nah, not me. Love my central heating now. Wouldn't trade it for anything — no more ash all over the place and coughing like a Victorian chimney sweep every morning!

2 months, 3 weeks ago by OldTimesYeller


Ahhh, the smell of a coal fire... brings me right back. We'd spend our weekends gathering kindling, shivering until we got close enough to the flames. Dad always made it an art to get the right burn going so it lasted all night. Hot chocolate in front of the fire, nothing quite like it. Miss those days!

2 months, 3 weeks ago by CoalLover89