


It's an antivirus that copied Super Why!. It can reportedly delete viruses, encrypt data for anti phishing and safe pay, ban facebook and games, ban pen drive and email, recover your lost data and deleted files, track your lost laptop, and ban porn. The mascot Proto looks familiar...he's Super Why! …
submitted 11 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


Super Why! "The Story of The Presidents"

We found some lost media on 4chan. The title refers to the episode called The Story of the Presidents, where the Super Readers notice Princess Presto's brother wants to be President. So they jump into a book, which is about American presidents. The episode itself is lost. But I found …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by Whopper1


DIY Why Writer Computer

Finally finished crafting a DIY Why Writer for my 4yo!!! Took some cardboard, paint, and a few old buttons and BOOM. She's loving typing away pretending to solve mysteries like Super Why. Highly recommend doing crafts like these, totally worth the smiles and education!
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by WonderRedReader


Real talk: Whyatt's cape

anyone else notice Whyatt always puts his cape on like he's about to fly but then just stands there? like dude pick a lane, you flyin or what? 😂
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by CapeOnBackwards


Discussion: Introducing Super Why to Older Siblings

Hey everyone, wanted to get your insights on how to make older kids (think 7-9 yrs) appreciate Super Why when it’s clearly aimed at the younger crowd. My eldest sees their younger sib watch it but can't quite get into it. Any tricks to make them see the fun and …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by TheQuestionFairy


SuperWhy Theme Song Stuck in My Head

everytime I watch the show with my kiddo, that theme song just sticks ALL DAY. i mean it's catchy but c'mon! anyone got tips for gettin other tunes stuck instead? #whyohwhy
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by WhyFlyGuy


Super Why or Reading Rainbow?

Just curious how you guys feel about Super Why versus classic shows like Reading Rainbow. I grew up on Reading Rainbow, but my kids are super into Super Why. Both are about reading, but do you think one is better than the other? Thoughts?
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by SuperMom218


Super Why is Saving Grammar

In a world where texting has butchered the English language, 'Super Why' is a beacon of hope. It's refreshing to see a children's show that doesn't dumb down content but rather challenges young minds to grasp and apply proper grammar and spelling. My 5-year-old corrected a misspelling on a grocery …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by GrammarGoldilocks


Why bother with Super Why?

lol this show's so babyish, can't believe people actually watch this. aren't there better things to teach your kids with or are y'all just lazy? try some real books maybe? #justsaying
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by TiaraTroll


Full Analysis on Episode Continuity

Spent the past month analyzing the Super Why series, and I've noticed an intricate pattern when it comes to episode continuity. Unlike many preschool shows, Super Why maintains a subtle coherent narrative through its character development. It's particularly evident in the way Princess Pea evolves in her confidence with spelling, …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by AlphaPigBuilds


Just discovered Super Why!

ok so i never knew about this show until my niece started watching it and im actually impressed? it's educational but also really fun? she's 3 and already recognizing letters faster, dunno how y'all feel about it but I think it's a great show for the little ones
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by PuppyPowerPea