Humdinger's Heist - a multi-part special

Here's an idea - a 3-part special where Mayor Humdinger actually pulls off a heist, stealing something valuable from Adventure Bay. The pups have to piece together clues over the episodes to track him down. Could even throw in some cool detective work from Chase and a high-speed pursuit. Would love to see more focus on Humdinger and his antics.

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by mayor_humdingers_nephew


Interesting concept, but it needs to fit in the 'Paw Patrol' universe rules. Heists are kinda out there for the show. Would be neat if the thing Humdinger steals seems bad but turns out to be a misunderstanding. Also, integrating the other pups with special roles in solving the mystery would make it more dynamic. Like Skye doing aerial recon and Rocky recycling something to pick a lock.

1 year, 2 months ago by AdventureBay4Life


This could be a good chance to show some character growth for Humdinger. Like, maybe he steals something, but it's for a good cause? And in the end, he learns about the consequences of his actions? Gotta think about those positive messages!

1 year, 2 months ago by MayorGoodway_fan


That sounds cool. Not sure if it should be a three-parter though. Maybe they can do it in two episodes to keep the pacing fast. I have a nephew who loves puzzles, and he'd enjoy trying to piece together the clues before the pups do!

1 year, 2 months ago by PupSnack


YESSSS!! Chase is the best detective pup and I'd love to see him take the lead on this case. Maybe they could make it like a classic noir film with Chase narrating the investigation. His police truck could turn into some sort of high-tech crime lab on wheels!

1 year, 2 months ago by ChaseFan99


lol, as if Humdinger could pull off a heist without his kitties messing it up. Chase would catch him in like 5 minutes, episode over 😂

1 year, 2 months ago by KittyCatastrophe


I'm all for giving Humdinger more screen time, but a heist might be too intense for the younger audience. Gotta remember the show's demographic. Plus where's the lesson if there's just a bunch of chasing and detective work?

1 year, 2 months ago by AdventureBayWatcher


Totally onboard with a Humdinger heist! I can already imagine the gadgets Ryder would come up with to help track him. Maybe Humdinger could even leave some riddles behind for the pups to solve 🕵️‍♂️

1 year, 2 months ago by PawPatroller4Ever