


Convince friends you're migrating to become a monk in the Himalayas

Okay folks, here's a savage one for ya. Tell all your fam and friends you had an epiphany & you're giving up all your possessions to become a monk. I actually printed out a fake monk acceptance letter n all lmao. Watch 'em go nuts trying to talk you out …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by trolling4laughs


The Mystery of Weinerville

maybe marc turned *all of us* into puppets and that’s why we can’t find it. we’re not supposed to remember but jokes on him, we do 😂
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by trolling4laughs


what's this series with the robot?

lol it's obviously terminator, he comes back as a nanny in the lesser-known tv adaption 'Terminator: Diaper Duty'. xD
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by trolling4laughs