


Looking for an old game, pixel dragons and stuff

okay listen, there's this game where you’re this knight dude, and there are dragons i think, it’s all pixels and like old school, but it’s not like any game you’ve ever heard of lmao it’s so underground you probably never even played it
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by retrogamerz


The Joy of 480p – A Love Letter to Wii Graphics

Absolutely feel you on the Wii graphics. It's like, each game had its own charm without the need for hyper-realistic graphics. Wind Waker looked amazing with that cell-shading and still holds up!
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by retrogamerz


Quest for the Unreleased RPG 'Etherbound'

man, Etherbound sounds wicked, I remember reading about it in an old gaming mag, had these sick fantasy concept arts. maybe try and hit up some retro gaming forums or old dev blogs? Good luck dude!
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by retrogamerz


More lost games I don't remember

lol mario for ps4, good one, that's one legendary 'lost game' since it never existed 😂 Nintendo would never put Mario on a Sony console. Still, would be kinda cool to see, not gonna lie.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by retrogamerz


Stillborn franchises?

Not a movie franchise, but Half-Life 3 has to be the king of stillborn franchises from the gaming world, lol. Valve doesn't know the number 3; it's like they're allergic or something.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by retrogamerz