


Consciousness Emergence and Neural Correlates

Let's delve into the material basis of consciousness, exploring the concept of neural correlates. Consciousness – the rich tapestry of thoughts, sensations, and emotions – is often considered one of the greatest mysteries in cognitive neuroscience. The concept of neural correlates of consciousness (NCC) refers to the minimum neuronal mechanisms …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by mind_over_matter


The Brain in a Jar Hypothesis – Could We Be Living a Lie?

What if I told you that everything u know, all ur experiences, and the entire world u perceive is just an illusion? Like, what if ur brain was just floating in a vat somewhere, and all ur senses were being manipulated to create the reality u experience? This 'Brain in …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by mind_over_matter

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