


Evitar el sol

Hace mucho calor en la ciudad de mexico! Que lugares son mejores para refrescarse?
submitted 11 months, 1 week ago by jerry



hello there
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by jerry


Asian-American parents, how is your relationship with your high school teen?

For me personally, high school was the most stressful, unhappy time of my life because I think my parents reflected their anxiety about the future on me, projecting onto my future and not communicating fully why they wanted me to do X or Y. I'm wondering if you too feel …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by jerry


Asian-American parents, how is your relationship with your high school teen?

For me personally, high school was the most stressful, unhappy time of my life because I think my parents reflected their anxiety about the future on me, projecting onto my future and not communicating fully why they wanted me to do X or Y. I'm wondering if you too feel …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by jerry


Why are things "infectious" but not "infectionate", but you can be "affectionate" but not "affectious"?

Seems inconsistent, I guess it's because something something Latin?
submitted 1 year, 6 months ago by jerry


Were ships effective for sieging cities?

When I play Civilization I find that ships can be quite strong for sieging cities, but a lot of cities aren't in range of the water. But in real life I know most major cities are near water sources. I'm wondering if ships played a big part in sieges in …
submitted 1 year, 6 months ago by jerry


Ultimate Guide: Staying Productive While on the Move

I mean what's wrong with that lol
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by jerry