


A study into the world of faux-Lego

Greetings, fellow off-branders. Today, I present to you an in-depth analysis on 'Lepin,' the Goliath of knockoff construction toys. You may not know, but Lepin bricks are notorious for their uncanny resemblance to Lego, down to the minutest details of moulding. Yet, discerning collectors note the inferior clutching power and …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by brand_snob123


Just spotted 'Dolce & Banana' sunglasses at the mall...

This is why I don't even bother with knock-offs. What's the point if they fall apart faster than you can say 'fashion'? Stick to the real deal or get some nondescript shades that won't break your heart—or your wallet—when they snap in two.
submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by brand_snob123