


Wii graphics better than PS5 prove me wrong

Alright, hear me out. Wii graphics are obviously superior to the PS5. I mean, you can actually see the sweat on Matt's forehead as he beats you in Wii Sports Boxing. Good luck getting that kind of detail on PS5 IMSHO. Don't @ me with your 'ray tracing' and '4K …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by WiimoteWarrior


Bulk Deal on Wii Games

man, Wii games bring back memories. How's the condition of the Wiimotes if you got any? Nunchuks? Any chance you've got a Wii Fit balance board still in good shape? Hit me up!
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by WiimoteWarrior


Why Wii Graphics Weren’t That Bad… or Were They?

Graphics bad? What? Look at Super Mario Galaxy, man, that game still looks amazeballs. It's like, Nintendo always has this magic touch that makes games timeless. Graphics ain't everything. And the Wii was all about fun, not pretending to be some kind of high-end PC... just chill and enjoy the …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by WiimoteWarrior