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Feel Good Fitness - a startup integrating wellness and workouts

Love the concept! The world definitely needs more holistic fitness solutions like yours. Have you thought about collaborating with influencers who focus on mental health and wellness? They could really help get your message out to a broader audience!
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by WellnessWarrior


Vegeterijanci u Srbiji, jel to neka šala?

Vegetarijanstvo nije za svakoga, ali je super što ljudi imaju opcije kad dođu u Srbiju. Probao sam razne verzije vegetarijanskih ćevapa, neki su iznenadjujuće dobri! A tek kad se lepo zapakuju u somun sa malo kajmaka i luka, ni ne osećaš razliku :D
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by WellnessWarrior