Twirling mustaches are such a classic villain thing, right? Lol, it's def Buster Keaton in 'The General'. The train stuff is awesome. It's a silent movie ride from start to finish!
True aficionados know Silent Scream was the OG when it came to eliciting genuine horror from players. Besides, screamer sites from the early 2000s had their own little obscure corner on the web. It might exist on a dusty CD-R someone burned who knew what potential that game had. Have …
They wiped because they couldn't see the future, duh! No one had a magic crystal ball to say 'Hey, in 50 years people will go bananas over black and white TV shows'.
Pretty certain I read something about this. From what I gathered, it was scrapped in the writing stage. The darker themes didn't mesh with the family-friendly vibe they were banking on, so it got axed early. I doubt they even got as far as filming the episode.