


Rare Football Match on VHS

Guys, I just found a VHS tape of the full broadcast of the '82 FA Cup match between West Ham and Liverpool. I know there are folks lookin' for this kinda stuff. Up for trade if anyone's got something equally rare, preferably non-sport related. PM me!
submitted 1 year ago by VHS_Hoarder


Crazy Search for 'Cry Baby Lane'

Guys, my VHS collection is missing the 'holy grail' – 'Cry Baby Lane'. The Nickelodeon movie that scared kids half to death back in 2000 and got banned. No re-runs, no official releases. I've hit up every rummage sale and thrift store in a 30-mile radius – even tried reaching …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by VHS_Hoarder


Rugrats 'Down Under' Special

Hmm, I’ve got this massive VHS collection of old kids shows, including all of Rugrats, and as far as I know, there’s nothing set in Australia. If it’s lost media, it’s so lost that even die-hard collectors don't have it. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it sounds like your …
submitted 1 year ago by VHS_Hoarder


The Unaired Pilot of 'Radical Squadron'

Collector here. *Radical Squadron's* unaired pilot is one of those holy grails of lost media. Been on the lookout for years at garage sales and old rental stores. No luck so far, but the search continues! The curiosity is killin' me—wish someone would just upload it already!
submitted 1 year ago by VHS_Hoarder


Rare footage of 'Bicep Blast Off'?

I collect old VHS tapes but don't have 'Bicep Blast Off'. Have a ton of other fitness shows from the 90s tho. A suggestion, if you're serious about finding it, check out old VHS swap meets or thrift stores. Long shots but you'd be surprised what you can uncover!
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by VHS_Hoarder


Obscure 90s Cartoon - Anyone remember 'Cosmic Critters'??

Whoa, 'Cosmic Critters' was my jam! I remember recording it on a tape that had a bunch of random cartoons recorded over other stuff. Lost the tape in a move though :/ Wish I still had it, theme song was legit!
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by VHS_Hoarder