Totally on board with you. The term 'conspiracy theory' has been weaponized. They use it to short-circuit our logical thinking. Everyone needs to question everything because who knows what's really going on behind closed doors. I mean look at all the declassified documents over the years... stuff that was once …
submitted 11 months, 3 weeks ago by
This toy story is fun and all but we gotta remember blockchain ain't foolproof. 51% attacks? Ring any bells? If a group of miners, or one super powerful miner, gets control of more than half the network, they could force the chain to accept bogus blocks. Still rare but not …
real world stag hunt? good luck finding ppl willing to cooperate long enough lol. we're more in a 'hare' economy, if you get what i'm saying.
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by