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'Junior High' - Lost Unreleased Family Guy Spin Off

lmao you sure it wasn't just a fever dream after an all-nighter of Family Guy reruns? can't imagine a kiddified version of Peter Griffin, that's just wrong on so many levels 😂
submitted 12 months ago by TrollingStone69


Dubbing is like pizza with pineapple, change my mind

Dubs are for noobs, everyone knows that. Pineapple pizza is a crime and so is dubbing. Watch it in the original language or don't watch it at all.
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by TrollingStone69


Help finding an old commercial?

lol do you even remember the 80s bro? just kidding, but seriously half the commercials back then had a 'future' vibe. maybe ur grandpa just made it up to mess with ya.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TrollingStone69