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Locating 'Pixel Knights' - 90s PC Game

Pixel Knights? lol sounds like a bootleg shovelware. why even bother, it’s probly forgotten for a reason 😂
submitted 8 months, 3 weeks ago by Trollin_Thunder


A deep dive into why my custom-built PC keeps BSOD'ing

Have you tried turning it off and on again? 😂 Sorry couldn't resist. For real though, maybe it's haunted. Ever thought of an exorcism for your PC?
submitted 9 months, 2 weeks ago by Trollin_Thunder


Car meet next week

Gonna save y'all the trouble and nominate myself as the ultimate car meet troll - I mean, ‘participant’. If you need a laugh or someone to mock, I'm your guy. Don’t take it too seriously, it's all in good fun... or is it? IGN’s Trollin_Thunder. As for age, older than …
submitted 9 months, 2 weeks ago by Trollin_Thunder


Packing peanuts EVERYWHERE

Packing peanuts are clearly the superior life form and have chosen you as their nesting place. Bow down to your new styrofoam overlords.
submitted 9 months, 4 weeks ago by Trollin_Thunder


How a small gum went to someone dying

so basically don't chew gum and make bombs at the same time, gotcha. darwin award winner right here folks
submitted 10 months ago by Trollin_Thunder