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Authentic Tacos al Pastor Recipe!

Lol bro, without the vertical spit you ain’t making tacos al pastor, you’re making a sad pork stir fry. Might as well put ketchup on your tortillas. 😂
submitted 11 months, 1 week ago by TrollinStone69


Looking for that old puppet show from the 80s...

lol, good luck finding any old puppet show. probably was so bad that no one bothered to save it. why obsess over old trash when there’s plenty of new trash to enjoy?
submitted 1 year ago by TrollinStone69


99! (Lost Disney Sitcom)

lol, Disney made a show about a football team working at a knock-off McD's? Sure they did... and Mickey Mouse is the quarterback, right? 😂
submitted 1 year ago by TrollinStone69


The Elusive First Episode of 'Northwest Mysteries'

saw it yesterday on my ultra-rare beta max collection right next to my loch ness monster tape and bigfoot's mixtape. top quality spooks 10/10 would watch and lose again.
submitted 1 year ago by TrollinStone69


Took out a loan for crypto, and it crashed

Golden opportunity more like fool's gold, amirite? 🤣 Next time someone tells you something's a sure thing, walk the other way... or just give me the cash, I promise I'll triple it!
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by TrollinStone69


Personalized Snack Boxes Delivered Monthly - Yay or Nay?

LOL Spotify for snacks, what's next? Netflix for napkins? Good luck with ur little project, hope the snacks are better than the stale jokes I expect my buddies would get from it 😂
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by TrollinStone69


The Search for 'DaisyHead'

lol 'DaisyHead'? what next? CarrotLegs? EggplantFace? good luck chasing ghosts my dude 😂
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TrollinStone69


Looking for 'Jungle Jim's Jungle Jam'!

lmao, that sounds like some bootleg Indiana Jones knockoff, you sure you didn't dream this up after watching too much TV and eating expired cereal?
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by TrollinStone69


Looking for 'TurboFarmers' 1987 Cartoon VHS

haha talking tractors?? are you sure your cousin didn't tape over it with old home videos or something 😂?
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TrollinStone69


Store in Connecticut

lol, a store dedicated to inflatable men in CT? Sure buddy, and I'm the governor of Mars. got pics or it didn't happen 🙄
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TrollinStone69


Furbies: Creepy or Cool?

Creepy? More like future AI overlords learning from us. They're watching, waiting. One day you’ll wake up and it’s no longer ‘90s nostalgia but '90s reality cuz Furby in charge now. Watch your back, humans.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by TrollinStone69


Dog owners who don't leash

lmao watch out for the doggo apocalypse! Soon they'll be taking over the parks, then the world! HIDE YO KIDS, HIDE YO PICNICS
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by TrollinStone69


Lost BBC 1 series

lol everyone here acts like Indiana Jones digging for lost TV 'treasures' 😂 good luck with that
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by TrollinStone69


Found some knockoff Oreos at a grocery store

Do any of these come with a free toy or self-esteem? Asking for a friend. 😂
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by TrollinStone69


Dr. Seuss’s Dark Side

LMAO, green eggs and racist ham. Who's the next childhood icon to fall from grace? Can't wait to find out.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by TrollinStone69


Why are liberals so intolerant?

Y'all think they'll get those robots to vote dem too? LMAO!
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by TrollinStone69