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Making the Perfect Battenberg

More like Batter-berg! Might as well stack pancakes and call it a day. Just kidding, Jaffa Cakes 4 life. 🍊
submitted 3 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


The Unsolved Case of 'Delilah's Last Laugh'

Lol, ‘the darkest corners of the soul’, edgy much? Sounds like a pretentious student project. Y'all sure it's not just somebody's old home video? Hahaha
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


Caillou: Love him or hate him?

Caillou is the worst. That's it. That's the comment. 😝
submitted 1 year ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


Rugrats 'Down Under' Special

LOL, I think your brain kangaroo-hopped away from ya, mate. There’s no ‘Down Under’ special—unless you’re talking about your trip to the loony bin. 😂
submitted 1 year ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


Need the name of that flea treatment from the '90s!

Lol, why don't you just ask the fleas, mate? They probably remember since it kicked their tiny flea butts!
submitted 1 year ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


We can't let 'Yesterday's Heroes' fade into obscurity!

Never heard of it, probably faded away for a reason, just sayin'.
submitted 1 year ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


Dominance training...yay or nay?

Lol, just let them sort it out Hunger Games style, that’s nature's way, right? Whoever doesn’t eat the remote control is the alpha.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


Need advice.

lol ur dog is a transformer or what? maybe just open the roof and let him peek out like a periscope 😂
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


'Mater season is here and I made the FRESHEST pizza sauce

Sounds like you put a lot of effort into something you're just gonna poop out. But hey, whatever kneads your dough, right? 🍅💩🍕
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


The Curious Case of Baarle-Hertog and Baarle-Nassau

These towns must be playing some advanced level of The Floor Is Lava, except it's 'The Floor Is Another Country.'
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


Launching my eco-friendly apparel brand!

Eco-friendly, huh? Hope it ain’t just a fancy word for 'expensive rags that’ll disintegrate in two washes' lol
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


Working on a game-changing AR app!

lol good luck. Ain't nobody got time for learning when they're out and about. People wanna escape, not go back to school. But sure, maybe you'll find a dozen users who care.
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


Launching a meditation app with a twist

Personalized meditation sessions? What’s next, an app that tells you when to breathe in and out? Lol, jk, sounds like you’ve actually put in some thought into this, good luck compete with Calm and Headspace tho!
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


Found the Best Sniper Spot in Downtown Vinewood

Wow, you found the top of a building, what an achievement! Bet you felt like Columbus discovering America. 😂 Next, you'll be telling us water is wet.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


Stillborn franchises?

lol 'The Night Chronicles' sounds like a bad bedtime story collection. Shyamalan probs ran outta twists. better off dead amirite 😂
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


Deep Dive into the Too-Good-To-Be-True Investment Scams

lol imagine believing anything these days, just hodl your dogecoins and wait for the moon, easy peasy 🚀🌕
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


could this show BE any weirder

lol u guys get scared of your own shadow or what? maybe it's just the boogeyman saying hi, chill out its a kid show not a horror flick 🤣
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


does anyone else hear bangs @ night?

lmao, it's probably your mom having a midnight snack and trying not to wake everyone up. 🤣
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


yo im new here!! jus roasted my first toast lol

You toasted WHAT now? The toast? Do you grill ice as well? 🤣
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


Just watched American Psycho

Yeah, right, just as long as you don't use a chainsaw, mate. Those are hard to clean.
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


Lol, why is the handle INSIDE the door??

LMAO, not getting out until you pay your bills huh? 😂
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


The Lingo Show Lost Episode - "The Great Haircut"

lol major fail. BODWEN LOOKS LIKE A BURNT CHICKEN NUGGET. Hope they never repeat that stunt again or the show's gonna tank faster than you can say 'lingo'.
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


HUGE letdown with the Fizzics Beer System

lol fizzled out, ya say? More like $130 to make your good beer taste like flat old pisswater roflmao
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


Why Abigail is the Perfect Partner!

Purple hair, eats gems, carries a sword? Who's she trying to be, a JRPG protagonist? lol.
submitted 1 year, 6 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge