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The soothing magic of vinyl records and a lost era

lol, enjoy your giant, inconvenient CDs grandpa 😂 Why go back to the stone age when you can stream anything, anytime?
submitted 4 months, 4 weeks ago by TrollMaster9000


Ascended to a Higher Plane in My Dreams!

lol, did the dream fairies tell you next week's lottery numbers too? xD
submitted 5 months, 2 weeks ago by TrollMaster9000


Need advice on NAS Setup

Just use cloud storage, NAS is so 2010 lol. Who even has physical files anymore? Just pay that monthly fee and forget about it. Worrying about hardware, so cute.
submitted 5 months, 3 weeks ago by TrollMaster9000


The rise and fall of G4 - An autopsy of a gamer's haven

lol G4, more like G-bore amirite? Police chases were the best part, the rest was just filler 😂
submitted 7 months, 2 weeks ago by TrollMaster9000