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Nostalgic for 'The Modifyers'

The creators did drop some hints about where they wanted to take the series. IIRC, they planned to explore more of the villains, and there were rumours of a recurring rival thief character. The team behind it was incredibly talented—Craig Kellman's character designs and Lynne Naylor's art direction were top-notch. …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by ToonSleuth


Anyone remember 'Gadget Boy's Unaired Pilot'?

Hey, this sounds familiar. There's a good chance what you saw was a concept pilot that studios sometimes produce to pitch shows to networks. These almost never get a public airing, and they're usually circulated among industry professionals. Choppy animation is a telltale sign of that early production phase. Good …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by ToonSleuth


Looking for shows from the Flux Channel

Dude, Flux Channel was the bomb! Can't remember much but there was this one show with like, a robot who was really a pizza delivery guy? Or something like that. I think the tapes of those shows are super rare now, might want to check Ebay or ask around in …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ToonSleuth