


First Trip Report: Meeting the Cosmic Jester

OK, so...I dropped acid for the first time last weekend, and whoa, it was WILD. Took a 150ug blotter, sat back, and let Lucy do her thing. About an hour in, I started to feel giggly and everything around me got wavy, colors brightening up. Smiling was a high by …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by ThirdEyeWanderer


Artists on Acid: Share your trippiest creations!

Ahhh, soul's portrait, love that! Last trip, I sketched the fractal nature of reality—shapes blooming out of shapes on an old scroll paper. It felt like I was unraveling the universe's secrets with each stroke. It's now hanging above my altar. Wish I could share, but Reddit's not ready for …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by ThirdEyeWanderer