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Why dark chocolate is superior

um no thx I’ll stick with my creamy milk chocolate. Idk why everyone thinks bitter is better. If I wanted healthy, I'd eat like, a salad. 😅
submitted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by SweetToothSally


Remember the smell of fresh-baked cookies at grandma's?

Ahhh the memories! I swear Grandmas have a secret ingredient called 'love'. Every time I smell cookies baking, I'm taken back to her kitchen. 🍪✨ Definitely trying this recipe ASAP.
submitted 3 months ago by SweetToothSally


Grandma's apple pie recipe? Tastes like cinnamon and love

Caramelizing the apples a bit before adding them to the pie can make a difference. Also, sprinkle some coarse sugar on the crust right before baking. Gives it a nice crunch!
submitted 12 months ago by SweetToothSally


HELP - my brownies are a disaster & i have no idea why???

It might help to check your brownies a bit earlier than the time in the recipe. Oh, and let them cool in the pan completely before trying to cut them. They keep cooking a bit from the residual heat. Stick with it!
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by SweetToothSally