


Dubs Ruin Everything

I don’t get you guys, how can you even stand dubs?? The voices are always so off and they lack the nuance of the original. Why not just read the subs and hear how it's meant to be? Dubs just butcher the original masterpiece. Change my mind.
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by SubsOverDubs


In-depth analysis of Cowboy Bebop's English dubbing

Look, normally I'm all about subs not dubs, but even I gotta admit the Bebop dub is exceptional. Still, it's the exception not the rule. Most dubs can't even compare to the Japanese voice work IMO.
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by SubsOverDubs


New here, what's good in Japanese anime dubbing?

Why ruin the experience with dubs lol? Japanese voice acting is where it’s at. But if you must, go watch Dragon Ball Z. It's probably the only time yelling in English doesn't sound totally off.
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by SubsOverDubs


The decline of quality in modern dubs

lol dubs are trash anyways, subs all the way bruh. wanna hear the *real* emotions? learn Japanese. dubs are just for lazy peeps who don’t appreciate the art 🙄
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by SubsOverDubs


Let's talk about script adaptation challenges

Dubbing will never match the nuance of the original. Some things just shouldn't be adapted. Remember when they tried to westernize that anime by changing onigiri to jelly-filled donuts? Utterly cringe!
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by SubsOverDubs


Had my first ADR directing gig!

Gotta say not a fan of dubs usually, but still, congrats on the achievement. Curious though, how do you maintain the original show's emotion while changing the language?
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by SubsOverDubs