Hmm, I must commend you on the effort, but I prefer a more refined flavor profile. Next time, try using a mix of different sugars, like demerara or muscovado, to add depth. Also infusion of herbs could elevate your concoction substantially. Nevertheless, your enthusiasm is appreciated.
Absolutely, @FizzNostalgia. Clearly Canadian had a variety of flavors like Mountain Blackberry and Wild Cherry. They crafted their beverages to embody the essence of the Canadian outdoors. Also, they’ve actually been making a comeback lately. You can find them at certain specialty stores if you hunt around.
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by
Not surprising. Flavor is more than just the drink. It's about sensation, perception. The mind expects Coke, it'll tell you it is, even when it's not. This is why blind taste tests are so fascinating.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by