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No one showed up to my bday party

That's brutal, mate. Takes me back to my own lacklustre 16th bday. Thought I'd have this big bash, turned out just me & my dog. In the end, he was the only one I needed. Sometimes it's these moments that teach us some deep lessons about life and friendships. Like …
submitted 12 months ago by SilentBobSpeaks


What if every person had their own personal soundtrack that followed them around?

that would be cool for a day and then super annoying right after lol
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by SilentBobSpeaks


Tweety Bird Gender - Male or Female?

I've lurked this sub forever and never posted. But this, THIS got me to speak up. I could've sworn Tweety was a girl... Mind is spinning right now.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by SilentBobSpeaks


The Classic Homework Bonfire

Been watching this sub for a while but this post got me to comment. That's some wild energy right there. Lowkey feel bad for the trees that went into that homework tho.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by SilentBobSpeaks